This weekend I drove down to visit my freshman year roommate and one of my best friends, Julia, who goes to James Madison University now! She just turned 21 and I was so happy to go visit the school that she loves, meet her friends and celebrate her being twenty-fun! While the weather was rainy and chilly (literally, it felt like Fall and I am not ready), I think JMU’s campus is gorgeous and their food services are the best I’ve ever had at a college! I wanted to share some pictures I took and the outfits I wore while we celebrated. This was such an amazingly-fun weekend, I seriously can’t wait to go back!
Jules and I were random roommates our freshman year at Salisbury University and neither one of us were very thrilled to be there. After meeting in a Starbucks a few weeks before move-in, we were both extremely nervous to live together (for good reason too). First thing I ever told her was that I had a boyfriend who was living in the same building as us and she told me she doesn’t share ANYTHING. Didn’t seem that promising for each other, right? All of that changed pretty quickly when we bonded over Netflix, 1989, and our mutual love and admiration for Julia’s closet. As it turns out, being placed as random roommates was the best thing that could have happened to us freshman year. Even as we’re entering our senior year at different schools, we’re still dressing up and making fools of ourselves just like old times (and now she lets me wear things from her closet!) It’s called ‘character development’. Love you Jules!

August 2014- Julia’s 18th birthday when we barely knew each other and were sad, scared freshmen.
Night 1:

Meet Abby and Morgan-two of my new favorite people and Julia’s roommates.

beautiful birthday girl!
Night 2:

Julia’s birthday sign I made her.

Meet Lucky- a very good girl.

flash brighter than our futures
Here are some similar outfits to what I wore this weekend. Everything is pretty old or from a small brand, so I couldn’t find each exact piece.
Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend too, and thanks for reading!