For more recent and updated posts on No Fun Feb, click here and here!
Hi everyone! I haven’t posted in a super long time because I was studying abroad in Scotland and Ireland. Currently I’m really sick and that has also delayed my posting of anything. And when I say sick I mean like actually skipped all my classes and work today sick. I’m praying its not the flu because I have a big weekend ahead of me.
I can’t wait to share all of my Scotland and Ireland pictures! I took over 1700 so I’m no where near done editing. My trip was ah-maz-ing. However, I went a little crazy with the drinking, junk food and spending money while abroad. Not that this is a bad thing! I am a firm believer that while you’re abroad you should fully immerse yourself in the culture, even if it hurts your wallet. Trust me…my wallet is hurting. So I devised this concept of “No Fun February” after one of my good friends did “No Fun November” a few years ago. His concept was a little different than mine, but the basic principles stand. I’m not sure if this concept already exists, but this is my personal plan.
- No going out to eat
- No drinking alcohol
- No eating desserts
- No online/real life shopping
- No eating junk food
The basis to these “rules” are to be healthier and to spend less money. And while all of this definitely does not sound like fun, I wanted to add a little part about all the fun stuff I want to do involving self care, trying new things and rules that don’t involve food restriction:
- try new recipes
- go to work out classes
- cut back on screentime (TV and phone)
- read more books
- floss more
- put part of each paycheck in my savings
- better skincare routine
- drink more water
- focus on school and my job
Personally I am trying to cut back on carbs and dairy as well to see how my body reacts to that change in diet. I also made a list of “exceptions” to NFF because this is my last semester at school and I don’t want to miss out on opportunities and events that aren’t going to happen again. This includes friends birthdays, cover at bars, traveling and other special occasions. I am not going to post that but just know I will try to make my exceptions scarce and only when necessary. But even with my exceptions, I will try to work on moderation.
If you feel like doing this challenge with me, comment below! And good luck to everyone who is doing this with me.