I have been a really bad blogger lately. Not that this is a totally awful thing because my life is very full of other responsibilities. I just started my last semester college (shrieks) and that certainly makes me want to cherish every moment of the next few months. This also means I am saying yes to so many new and exciting things that come up. Wanna go see a drag show? ABSOLUTELY! Hey, there are salsa dancing classes this Saturday…SIGN ME UP! Yo, I need an actress for this student film I’m directing…SIGN ME UP! There is always something new and interesting to do, but that doesn’t mean other obligations or responsibilities can fall short. That being said, life can get really crazy but that doesn’t mean you can’t get everything you want to do done.
The idea for this post came to me last semester when one of my good friends asked me how I balance being a full time student, working two part time jobs, being in clubs, running a blog, working out, traveling, having a social life and more. Now that I’ve actually typed all of that out, that really does seem like a lot, but somehow I get it done.
For anyone who feels like they’re overwhelmed, walking on a tightrope or couldn’t possibly take on more stuff than they already do, here’s how I balance my life in order to get everything I both want and need to get DONE.
- Make Lists:
- I live by my planner and swear by making to-do lists. When you have so many things going on, its easy for tasks and assignments to fall through the cracks. Every time I think of something I have to do, get a homework assignment or a work project, I write it down on my daily to-do list. I’ll even make lists for other projects (like blogging), a work-out schedule, a grocery list and basically anything else I can think of. I’ve even made a list of fun adventures my roommate and I want to do this semester. Lists remind me of what I need to do, what I want to do and what I have to look forward to. Its also super satisfying to cross something off the list once you’ve completed it.
- Prioritize:
- I count school and homework as top priorities in my life. I know I’m in college for a reason, so I need to make doing projects and assignments and attending class a priority. Second to that are my two jobs because I am being relied on by other people and I need money to survive. I also prioritize self care and hanging out with my friends. I always try to make time at least once a week to go out with friends or go on some type of “adventure”. Unfortunately, some things may fall at the bottom of your priorities list, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get those things done. Just do what you need to do first.
- “Put Out the Fires You Can”:
- An old boss told me that once during finals week when I was an RA. This basically means to do what you can, when you can. So if you have a test tomorrow and project due in three days, focus on studying for the test first to “put out that fire”. This thought process helps you progressively accomplish things based on urgency and priority.
- Motivate Yourself to Get Up in The Morning:
- Whether its a cup of coffee, journaling, your favorite morning show, making money, listening to your favorite song or working out, you need to find something you look forward to getting up in the morning for. My days are a lot more productive if I can find at least one thing to look forward to that day.
- Take Care of Yourself:
- When I’m really busy, I tend to forget to get enough sleep or eat enough. I also let laundry pile up, dishes clog up the sink and my life just becomes a mess. Self-care is extremely important to me because I literally don’t want to do anything if I fell like trash. I know when I need to put things on hold and take a nap to recharge or just spend a night chilling with the girls. Don’t feel guilty for taking a break. When you have such a busy schedule, its easy to just keep going and going and going…but thats an easy way to get sick or burn out.
- Make the Most of Every Minute:
- I find that if I have a lot going on in one day, I have a bunch of small windows of time that I can fill throughout the day. You’d be amazed at every little thing you can get done in a day when you’re making the most of every minute. This can also save time later on in your day. For instance, if I need to promote something on SM for my job, I’ll try to find time in between classes to do that. If you need to study for a test, carry around notecards so you can study any time you have a moment.
- Limit Screen Time/Distractions:
- If I have a ton of things to do, I know I tend to distract myself by going on my phone and mindlessly scrolling. I know everyone does it and it becomes second nature, but the time you waste just looking at your phone or doing other mindless distractions can really waste your time. On my busiest days, I rarely even look at my phone because I know I have stuff to do and can’t be distracted.
- Don’t be Afraid to Say “No”:
- Sometimes you just have to say “no” to things. I’ve always had a problem with this since I was in high school of committing to too many things at the same time and believing that I could do it all. I couldn’t. I never like to let people down, but sometimes you just have to think about what is best for you and what you really want to do. If I don’t want to go out one night, I won’t. It’s as simple as that. Your time is precious and should be spent how you want. It is totally okay to say no to things.
- Remember Your Goals:
- When I’m overwhelmed or just want to crawl under a rock, I try to remember my goals. I wake up early in the morning to write articles for a job I love so I can build my portfolio and earn a paycheck. I work out when I’m exhausted because I signed up for a half-marathon because I want to be able to actually complete it and make myself proud. I have joined a bunch of school clubs because I am really interested in what they have to offer both myself and this campus. Remembering your goals will keep you motivated.
- Make Time For What You Enjoy:
- If life was all work and no play, it would be awful. If you enjoy doing something, don’t feel guilty for spending time doing it. If you like going to your school basketball games, GO. If you feel more at peace after going to church or a Bible study, GO. And if you’re like me and you like writing and blogging just for fun, then do that too! These are the sorts of activities and hobbies that make us who we are. There is always time for you to do what you love, as well as everything else in your life. Its just about balance.
Are there other ways that you find balance in your life? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx