I THINK I DID SOMETHING BAD…. like attend 3 Taylor Swift shows in 2 weeks. I was lucky enough to be able to go to three shows with some of my best friends. Each show was so different and so unforgettable. Here are some pictures I took and what I wore each night!
Show 1: Louisville

Walking to the stadium with Emily

We were high in the nosebleeds but it was so cool to be able to see everything and the sunsetting over the stadium!

Our b-stage song was ‘Mine’ and I literally squealed when she started singing.
Show 2: Washington D.C. Night 1

My sign! I came up with it all by myself and tbh I’m pretty proud of it.

Roll Call: Here’s Julia (my freshman year roomie), Ian, (my friend from high school), Meredith (who I’ve gone to every other Taylor show with her) and Johnny (my little brother).

We’re ready for it.

So this is Meredith and we have gone to every single Taylor tour since Speak Now. We used to puffy paint t-shirts and wear tutus so its nice to see we’ve grown out of those years.

Sam is one of my best Swiftie friends and I am so happy our seats were super close to each other.

This was super exciting that Jules and I got to go to a TSwift concert together because four years ago when we were dumb freshmen we listened to 1989 the night it came out. So this was awesome.

Okay so I could go on and on about this but I have literally never seen my little brother as happy as when he was at this concert. He literally stayed standing the entire time and was screaming and dancing the entire show. This was his first real concert and first Taylor show and he said this was one of the best nights of his life. I am so happy I brought him and got to see him so happy.

Our b-stage song was ‘State of Grace’.

we were really close to the second b-stage so we got to see ‘Blank Space’ and ‘Dress’ up close! I also lost my MIND when she started singing ‘Should’ve Said No’.
Show 3: Washington D.C. Night 2

I surprised Allison with floor seats! She thought we were in the nosebleeds but I upgraded our seats without telling her. We dressed up as the ‘old Taylor’.

Another show, another chance to fangirl with Sam.

Ran into these beautiful girls! I know Kelly and Hannah from college and they got their seats upgraded!

So Allison and I were in line for the bathroom when this little girl kept staring at me in my sparkly dress and whispered to her big sister “thats Taylor Swift!”. SHE REALLY THOUGHT I WAS TAYLOR! so I knelt down and we took a picture together and then when I hugged her she started jumping up and down. LITERALLY SO CUTE!

technically I have a selfie with Taylor, Camila and Charlie XCX now.

Our b-stage was ‘Haunted’! I recognized it before she even started singing and recorded a lot of it UGH MY FAV

So this girl is a true friend because after Taylor finished singing ‘Haunted’ Allison here basically hurled me towards the barricade where she was about to walk through. A security guard was trying to move away from the barricade so Allison pushed me past him and I WAS LITERALLY RIGHT UP AGAINST THE BARRICADE. This girl next to me was like “Don’t cry!”

I took a video of Taylor walking through the barricade and edited so many screenshots. This is absolutely one of my favorite pictures I’ve ever taken.


I HELD TAYLOR’S HAND! (this is my current phone wallpaper).

I feel bad I wouldn’t let go…

I am just seriously in love with this jacket

‘Don’t Blame Me’ is a religious experience and I love going to church
So I am so lucky that I got to see Taylor three times and hold her hand! I am literally never happier than when I’m at a Taylor Swift concert. I always cry when she comes on stage and its so fun to go to a concert where you know every single word to every single song. I love seeing all my friends so happy at Taylor’s shows and hearing her sing songs from her older albums always gets me in my feels. I’ve grown up listening to Taylor Swift and obsessing over her since I was 14. So thank you Taylor Swift for three amazing shows!
Ever been to a Taylor Swift concert? Comment below!
Thanks for reading!xx