Over the weekend I took a trip to Chicago to visit my loveliest friend, Peyton. It’s been a few years since I last visited Chicago and now Peyton and I have graduated! I’ve always loved her Alma Mater because the entire campus is absolutely incredible, especially in the fall! With the Gothic architecture and the ivy leaves, I have such appreciation for UChicago and I’m glad we were able to walk around and take in all the fall leaves. Although it was super chilly, it was sunny and I finally got to wear my new camel coat from Old Navy (on sale now!!!). Details and links below!

anyone have a problem keeping your pants up when they’re high waisted?
Big thank you to this fantastic unicorn for taking my pictures and showing me around her beautiful campus.
Coat // Turtleneck // Belt // Jeans // Boots // Scarf
Thanks for reading! xx