Chicago, its certainly bean a while! (ha I love bean puns). A week ago I was in a very snowy Chicago. Now its snowing here in Maryland, so I guess I can’t escape it until March. Lucky for me I love snow and all things associated with snow. This new sweater I got from Vici reminds me of ice and snow (like if Elsa were to wear a sweater in 2018, this would be it). Vici is one of my new favorite online stores and I can’t wait to buy more sweaters on Cyber Monday (if I can hold out that long). It was absolutely freezing in Chicago when I look these pictures but I hope you can’t really tell how cold I was. Word of advice, don’t take off your coat in Chicago, no matter how cute your sweater is.
Proof I had a coat on at some point in this 20 degree weather.
coat is now off and its so cold

Cloud Gate selfie!

again, shoutout to this amazing human ‘bean’ for taking these pictures and hosting me during a fabulous time in the very windy city. Peyton I adore you!
How are you dealing with the cold weather? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx