So for the past 8 weeks I have been working out at Orange Theory. I originally started because I wanted a work out class to give me a little push before my trip to Jamaica. I ended up signing up for one month, and then another month and now I’m hooked. My friend Emily originally told me about it and I am so glad she did. I seriously love these classes. I used to not push myself at the gym and get bored of my normal work outs, but Orange Theory keeps things fun, different and you always walk away feeling accomplished. I’ll try my best to explain the class and why I like it so much.
So the reason it’s called “Orange Theory” is because you want to stay in the ‘orange zone’ when you’re working out. You wear this special OT Beat band around your arm/chest and it monitors your heart rate, how many calories you’re burning and what ‘zone’ you’re in. You see these stats on a screen in the work out room.
There are 5 different ‘zones’- grey, blue, green, orange and red. You want to stay in the green, orange and red zones because that is where fat-burn happens. The whole Orange Theory science is based on EPOC or “excess post-exercise oxygen”. You can read more about that here, since I’m not an expert.
Here is an example of a post work-out summary:

fun fact: this isn’t actually my summary, it’s Allison’s. (There was a mix up with my email so I haven’t been getting my workout summaries)
The class happens in 3 separate intervals- treadmills, rowers and floor exercises with weights and equipment. Your class is either separated into 2 or 3 groups; it depends on the class. You will spend some time at each station (the time at each varies but I usually do around 15 minutes at each in my 3 part classes). If you don’t like the treadmill, there is also a bike and a strider. You can also power walk on an incline if you really don’t like running. The class can be whatever you make it.
Honestly, it was kinda intimidating at first for me. During your first class (which is totally free btw) you arrive 30 minutes before so you can sign the waiver, hook up your credit card and get a full explanation of the equipment and flow of class. I still felt like a deer in headlights and like everyone was doing better than me on the screen. But by my fourth class I think I got the hang of the class and the machines. I had never really used a rower before, but now I actually get a really good work out from it. I’m also learning a lot of different work outs on the floor that involve an AbDolly and TRX. The coaches are super friendly and will help you with form. They will also help you ‘push’ yourself to an ‘all out’ or higher pace on the rower and treadmill. There are also a lot of intervals in the class so time goes by very quickly.
In all honesty, sometimes I feel like the numbers on the big screen don’t actually reflect how hard I’m working out. There have been times when I’m just warming up on the treadmill and I look at the screen and I’m in the red zone. There have also been times that I’m sprinting on the treadmill and I’m in the grey zone. The heart monitor can be a little tricky like that, but I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter how many splat points I get at the end of a work out, as long as I feel like I worked my hardest. (Splat points are how many minutes you are in the orange and red zones).
Just about every class, I leave feeling sore in new places and out of breathe-which is exactly what I need in a good work out. I’ve only been doing this for 2 months now but I feel like my endurance and strength are improving. I’ve even got my friends Allison and Autumn doing classes with me at the same gym to prep for Autumn’s wedding. (eeeee so excited) #fitbridalparty
You need to sign up online for each class you take. Sometimes classes are full and you are put on a waitlist, but I’ve never had a problem of not getting into a class I wanted. I have started working out early in the morning before work, which is something I never thought I would be able to do. I started doing this because I was having trouble motivating myself to go exercise after work and Orange Theory classes fill up really fast in my area. The only classes that were open for me were on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:15am. Surprisingly enough, its not that bad! I feel like I’m on autopilot when I wake up at 5:40am, get dressed and drive 10 mins to my gym. The coaches tell me everything I need to do and then by 7:15am I’m wide awake, endorphins are flowing and I’m ready to go home, shower, eat breakfast then go to work.
I signed up for the Elite Plan which includes 8 classes per month. It’s around $119 and you also need to pay for an OTbeat heart monitor which is usually around $99 but I think is currently on sale! The price may seem steep at first but the classes are really worth it and you can try your first class totally free.
I feel like I have a solid work-out plan going now because of Orange Theory and for that I’m thankful. I’m excited to see where I am at the 6 month mark of doing OT.
If you have any questions, comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx