So we’re one week into #NoFunFeb and if you’re like me, you’ve probably hit a few speed bumps and temptation is all around you. But no worries! It totally happens and NFF is supposed to help you, not make you feel worse about yourself. I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve to help you get through this month and help you maintain your goals. Here are just a few of my main tips and cheats:
- Gift cards: Can’t get out of going to lunch with the girls? Can’t live without a hot latte at the beginning of the week? In my book, it’s totally acceptable to use giftcards. They’re prepaid and free money that has nothing to do with your paycheck or savings account. If you have a giftcard, feel free to use it.
- Coupons: If you’re main goal is to save money this month, make sure you’re finding and using coupons! I get a ton with my Sunday paper and my Oma and I will spend time on the weekends cutting coupons together. You can also print coupons from grocery stores and brand websites, as well as download apps that have coupons too.
- Deleting apps: If your goal for NFF is to be on your phone less, literally delete the apps that take up most of your time. It will literally force you to find other things to do with your time. Also, unplugging your TV and charging your phone away from your bed can also help decrease screentime.
- Food tracking: I’ve starting using MyFitnessPal again to help me stay on track with what I eat during this month. It’s encouraging to see myself hitting little goals every day and also staying on track. It also keeps me accountable because I have to write down everything I’m putting in my body. I thought it would be tedious to do, but if I can spend hours a say scrolling through mindless social media, I can definitely log my food.
- Free Activities: You don’t have to sit around your house for the entire month! Take advantage of the free opportunities around you! There are always free festivals, shows and events going on around you that probably don’t require alcohol or spending money. The other day I saw Black Panther in theaters with some of my coworkers totally free! There are free showings all over the county for Black History month and you can find a theater near you here.
Let me know if you need more tips! I’ve actually got tons of wisdom to share to help get you through the shortest month of the year (womp womp). Just comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx