Phew! Is it me, or did the shortest month of the year feel like it went on forever?! Happy March everyone! No Fun February is officially over and I am both proud of what I accomplished and relieved to be able to have some fun! Here is a short recap of what I did, didn’t do and what I’m looking forward to in March.
Lost 10 Pounds: This is a big accomplishment for me! The last time I lost this amount of weight I had my jaw broken, so I am hype! I credit going to Orange Theory 2x a week and tracking my food in MyFitnessPal. But it could also be the fact that I wasn’t going out to eat, treating myself to big desserts or drinking alcohol. I guess we’ll see if I can keep this up for the rest of the year.
Found Some Great Recipes: Especially with my Hungry Harvest box, I found some really great, healthy recipes that are also easy to make! Meal prepping was crucial this month and it helped me not go out to eat or order out. Hopefully if I keep up with the meal prepping and finding more recipes, I won’t go out to eat too much.
No Alcohol: This is probably the one thing I stuck with the best. Yes, I went out to eat once. Yes, I ate some sweets. But I didn’t have a sip of alcohol, even though the opportunity presented itself many times. I’m not super eager to go out at the moment, but I am looking forward to going to happy hour and having wine with dinner again soon.
Detoxed my Closet: Not to go all Marie Kondo on you, but I did spend quite a bit of time cleaning out my room and closet. I plan on selling a bunch of clothes and already gave a bunch to Goodwill and my church. I didn’t realize that while I was detoxing my body this month, I could also detox my closet and room. It felt good to get rid of stuff!
Finished a Book: So maybe it was only the last week of NFF that I read it and it was for my work’s book club, but I am super proud that I finished it! I always forget that great feeling when you finish a really good book and then I put reading at the bottom of my to do list. But ughhh this book is amazing. I couldn’t put it down! Now I’ve actually started to read some of the other untouched books on my shelf.
Put Money In My Savings: So yes I did buy a bunch of things this month, like a new coat, plane tickets and a bridesmaid dress. But I didn’t partake in any of the usual online shopping I usually do. But I am also looking forward to buying a bunch of clothes I’ve had my eye on for the last 4 weeks…let’s pray I don’t go totally crazy!
Did you participate in No Fun Feb? I would love to hear about it!
Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx