Now that No Fun February is over, I’m moving onto my next monthly theme: Money March. I’ve been joking that Money March is just the month where I spend all the money I saved during No Fun February, but that’s not the case! While I will be spending more money this month, I’ve also made a “to-do” list of sorts that I think will help me make a little more money this month, as well as a few tricks to saving money too. I know we’re already 1/3 of the way through March, but that doesn’t mean its too late to save money!

Tips for Making Money:
- Sell clothes: I usually give my clothes away to my church or Goodwill (which I think is an awesome thing to do!) but I also know I spent a lot of money on some of these clothes, and I’d like some ROI. I’ve bought things on Poshmark before, so I’m going to try selling and hope for the best!
- Sell jewelry: This is something that my mom and I have been working on since doing some house cleaning. We found some old, broken jewelry that is either silver or gold. In the past we’ve gone to gold parties and now I’m on an adventure to sell some old jewelry.
- Sell old tech: This may be a bit of a stretch but if you have an old laptop, camera, iPod or anything like that, you can most likely sell it back to a store. I know Amazon, Apple and Best Buy have trade-in opportunities where you can get giftcards.
- Sell old books: This is especially useful for those in college or who just got out of college. I still have a few books from my marketing and PR classes that I thought I would need to keep forever…but the truth is I don’t. I’m looking into selling these old textbooks to Amazon or RentBooks.
- Piggybank/coin jar: Okay yes…I still have a piggy bank that my parents got me when I was 3. But I also have a coin jar I used to save pocket change in to raise money to go see Taylor in Indiana (little did I know I would actually end up going to Indiana twice and then all the way to China just to see her!!!). My family has this tradition of throwing all of our collective change in this large bucket in our sunroom, and then we cash it every year right before we go to the beach. We usually end up with over $250! You’d be surprised how much spare pocket change you have. It adds up. Try it for a month and see what you end up with!
Tips for Saving Money:
- Pack lunch: During No Fun Feb, a bunch of friends told me they saw the most difference in their bodies and wallets by not going out to eat all the time. By meal prepping and packing a lunch everyday for work or school, you can absolutely save some money. I’ve been trying to get my dad to do this too!
- Gas points: Giant Grocery has this great gas program where you can save as much as $1.50 on a tank of gas just by signing up and using your Giant card when you shop. My family does it and with gas prices constantly on the rise, I think it makes a difference! You can sign up here! And if you’re not a big Giant person, my friend uses the “GetUpside” app!
- “Spending days”: A coworker suggested this to me! She said that she has “Spending Days of the Week” where she pays her bills, goes grocery shopping, gets gas and does some online shopping. If it’s not a “spending day” she refuses to spend any money. I love this concept! This may help against any impromptu purchases, like coffee or lunch out. I’m thinking Tuesdays and Thursdays may be my only spending days, but we’ll see how that goes.
- Unsubscribe: This is a big problem for me…I get tons of emails everyday telling me SALE SALE SALE! I gotta say it always makes me super tempted and want to check out deals and sales when I really, really shouldn’t be. Do yourself a favor and unsubscribe to some of those emails just like I need to.
- Couponing: One of my best friend’s mom is an extreme couponer- so whenever I use coupons, I think of her. It may seem a little old fashioned, but I love getting coupons with the Sunday paper and cutting them on a Sunday with my Oma. I feel kind of accomplished when I use them at the grocery store and save a few bucks. If you don’t get a newspaper, you can find them online too!
Do you have any tips for Money March? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx