I have been a very bad blogger lately. For a couple weeks there I was doing pretty good with writing and promoting a lot of content…but as of late, life has really pushed blogging to the back burner. This happens every once in a while! That being said, I wanted to give you a little update on what I’ve been up to and what I’m excited about in the next few weeks.
- WHAT IS TAYLOR SWIFT UP TO: This has to be the thing I think about most often, every day since April 13th when she dropped that countdown on us. Even as I’m typing this now I’m watching a livestream of Taylor performing at the TIME 100 Gala. 4.26 can’t come soon enough. I have all these wild theories and predictions (one of which has proven to be true…see “calendar theory”) but if we’re being completely honest, I have no clue. I’m not ready. But I am so excited. Taylor seems so happy and carefree and I’m overjoyed to see her kinda sorta returning to her old album release ways (with magazine articles, candids, lots of Instagrams, appearances…) The TS7 era has already proven to be so aesthetically pleasing with pastels, jewels, flowers, glitter, hearts and butterflies. I’m pretty sure she’s dropping a single called “Cotton Candy Sparkly Butterflies” on April 26th…let’s see if I’m right.
- Work is good! We’re in our busy season at the moment and I have been trying to really step up my game, especially since we’re coming up on my 1 year anniversary of starting my first ‘big girl’ job. I won’t go into a lot of details, but work is good and just takes up the majority of my time 🙂
- Easter didn’t really feel like Easter: I’ve been feeling a little bit of a disconnect on the faith side of my life lately. I don’t really know what’s going on, when it started or why but all I know is that I need to dive back in and reevaluate myself and my relationship with God. I’ll keep you updated on this, but basically, Easter just didn’t feel like Easter.
- Friends are coming and going: That sounds kind of vague but basically, I’m feeling so blessed and happy that I have friends moving back home and closer to me and I get to see them often. But I’m also having a bit of a crisis because some of my best friends moving away. Not that I won’t get to go visit them…I’m just trying to really soak in the way life is right now where I’m basically having multiple sleepovers a week and getting to see so many of my best friends on the reg.
- Marathon Month at Orange Theory: Okay this has to be the main reason I am so tired and busy all the time. I upgraded my OT membership to unlimited and I have been going 3-5 times a week. Usually it’s in the morning at 6:05am so I have been waking up at 5:30am every day. It’s exhausting! I’ve also been really pushing myself because I want to complete Marathon Month and I need to get 26.2 miles total. I average around 1.5 miles per class and I only have 19 miles as of today…so fingers crossed I get it done even with my half marathon this weekend.
- Half marathon this weekend: AHHHHH that totally snuck up on me. I feel prepared because I’ve been able to do a few long runs in the past few weeks, but the last time I ran 10 miles was 3 weeks ago. So I’m nervous I won’t be able to keep up my endurance. I’ve been eating super healthy and running really fast during OT. I hope this helps but I also hope I don’t burn myself out this week or psych myself out. I keep telling myself: I’ve done it before, I can do it again!
- Taking grad photos: The other day I was in Harrisonburg taking grad photos of some beautiful JMU gals and now I’ve even made a few more ‘appointments’ to take more photos for people! I really like taking grad photos and making a little extra cash. In fact, I should be editing the photos I took last weekend right now, so I’m gonna try to rush through this post right now so I can work on that.
- Trips coming up: I don’t want to spoil these surprises but I have a couple trips coming up in the next few months that I am so so so excited about. Hoping to add more as I keep getting more vacation time. Any guesses as to where I’m going?
- Environmental kick: No it’s not because it was just Earth Day. Lately I have been doing a bunch of research on going vegan, going zero-waste, composting and cruelty free products. I’m planning on making a bunch of blog posts on all of those, but that also takes up a lot of time and money. Hopefully after the next few weeks, I can devote some time to trying some things out and buying what I need. It really freaks me out that THE EARTH IS DYING. So I want to help in any way I can.
- Trying to get my inspiration back: Truth be told, I was feeling really uninspired in regards to my blog in the past few weeks. I hadn’t thought of any ideas that I was really passionate about and I couldn’t figure out how to execute the ideas that I was sort of excited about. Since I’ve taken this small break from posting content I have found some new inspiration. I’ve also done a ton of shopping lately and I can’t wait to show you everything I have planned! So thanks for hanging in there.
Thanks for reading! xx