Clearwater, it’s pretty clear that I love you. In celebration of completing Marathon Month at Orange Theory and running my best time ever for a half marathon, I took a quick weekend trip to Clearwater, Florida with Allison. We wanted to take a trip that involved nothing except beach, good food and sunshine. Obviously Florida is the place to go! I had never been to Clearwater but I can honestly say its one of my favorite beaches now. Here is a brief travel guide to what we did!
Day 1:
Because we’re cheap, we took a 6am flight from BWI to Tampa (yes that involved getting up at 4am). But it ended up working out perfectly because we were able to check into our hotel (Seaside Inn & Suites) and head to brunch by 10am that Friday. We went to Crabby’s Bar & Grill and got these Red Bull, Triple Sec, Processco mimosas.

We thought it was going to be cloudy and rainy all day on Friday, but it ended up being a great beach day! We rented one of those tent things (because ya girl needs a break from the sun every once in a while) and called it our ‘cabana’.

Here are the links to my bathing suit! Top (similar) & bottom

And here’s the link for Allison’s suit.

We went to Palm Pavilion for dinner and drinks. We watched the sunset over the water and also randomly met 4 women from Maryland! I wore one of Allison’s dresses because it had the most coverage and I got a lot of sunburn.

The dress Allison is wearing above is mine (duh) and can be found in this blog post.

Day 2:

This straw crossbody was my go-to bag for this trip! I found a similar bag here.

We went to Another Broken Egg for brunch it was probably my favorite food of the entire trip.

Against my own will, we decided to rent this pink Buggie thing. I made Allison drive and we didn’t die or crash so that’s a plus. We were able to check out some of the beautiful houses in Clearwater and more of the island.

It was a beautiful sunshine-y day and we even made friends with this girl who’s our age and her mom on the beach!

Here’s the link for my snake skin bikini!

For dinner we went to Frenchie’s in North Clearwater and then made a small pit stop at Ice&Cream. That night we went dancing at Shepherd’s in South Clearwater. We met up with our new friends from the beach there. Shepherd’s had a live band and pretty cheap drinks so it was super fun!
Day 3:

You can find a whole blog post about the dress above here.

On the last day we went to brunch at Clear Sky Cafe. They had this decked out Bloody Mary bar!

Just as we were finishing brunch on Sunday, it started raining like CRAZY! We had already checked out of our hotel so we decided to drive back to Tampa to be closer to the airport and I got to see Avengers: End Game for the first time (and yes, I did cry).
Clearwater is an absolutely dream and there is so much to do! I had never been to a beach on the Gulf before and I was blown away by the clear water and mega soft sand. The food was great everywhere we went and the entire town felt safe and really accessible. Hoping one day I can go back!
Have you ever been to Clearwater before? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx