Something I didn’t know I loved until a few month ago: spicy margaritas! It’s so weird to drink something that is both cool and hot at the same time. I first had one while I was traveling in Cleveland a few months ago but now it’s my go-to drink when I get margs with the girls (and I’ve always loved tequila). So I was at Trader Joe’s the other day and I passed these bottles of “Jalapeño Limeade” and thought to myself “OMG…I can totally make my own of those spicy margarita things with this!” So I did and here’s how I did it:

What you need:
- *ba doop cha* TEQUILA (most prefer silver)
- Jalapeño Limeade (I recommend Trader Joe’s…do they sell it any place else other than TJ’s)
- Lime Seltzer (ugh apparently I’m a ‘La Croix’ person now)
- Limes
- Jalapeno Peppers
- Salt
So I could try to give you measurements and all that jazz but the truth is I just guessed with all of this. I recommend trial and error. Over and over again.
- Cut a lime in half and run it around the top of the glass
- Dip the top of the glass in salt so you get a salted rim (duhh)
- Fill it 1/3 of the way with seltzer.
- Fill the glass to the halfway point with the jalapeño limeade.
- Squeeze a quarter of a lime into the glass
- Pour one (1) shot of tequila (or more…live your life) in the glass and stir everything together
- Slice a few pieces of jalapeño and throw those in there (WARNING: don’t touch your eyes after this it will burn like hell)
- Bottoms up!

Hope this makes sense and you like it as much as I do. Confession: I wrote this blog post after two (2) of these but you probably can’t tell. Or can you. Anyway…
Thanks for reading! xx