I’m sorry but I literally couldn’t resist calling this blog post “Thanos Goes to Prom”. I’m just saying that with the Infinity Gauntlet and this shade of dress, I’m pretty sure this is actually what Thanos looked like at prom. The Mad Titan would be working it. This look is actually a recreation of what Brie Larson wore to the Avenger’s EndGame premiere. I just heard that EndGame will be re-released to theaters really soon with new footage and a special sneak peak of the new Spider-Man movie. How cool is that!!??? So I decided to recreate this look to celebrate that. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, GO! It’s one of the best movies I have ever seen, no joke. And if you don’t know what Brie Larson look I’m talking about, check it out below:

Shoutout to Taylor for taking these pictures for me after I bribed her with bubble tea (homegirl is addicted). I found this dress on Lulu’s (of course I did) and was so excited because this is my absolute favorite color ever. I ordered an XL because I wanted it to fit pretty loose over my hips…but it was super big on me. I may get it tailored to make it fit more snug, but the belt I ordered off of ASOS really helped give it a good shape. I found the Infinity Stones Rings-Bracelet combo and ear cuff on Amazon! Links below!
Dress // Shoes // Belt // Earrings // Bracelet-Ring Set
Similar Dresses: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6
Have you seen Avenger’s EndGame? Did this post spoil anything for you if you didn’t? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx