A kiss on the hand maybe quite continental
But diamonds are a girl’s best friend
So first of all I want to thank my friend Ashley for giving me the idea to recreate this iconic look. I was telling her how many ideas I have to recreate some iconic looks for the blog and she said “Oh you have to do ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”. I honestly didn’t know what look she was talking about but after checking out the video of Marilyn Monroe singing “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” I fell in love with this look and I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had to do a little digging for an inexpensive dress and cheap jewelry but I think I did pretty good. Details below!
Oh, also, I want to thank Kalen for going out in public with me while I was dressed like this and taking these pictures for me. I knew I wanted to shoot these at the Renwick Gallery in DC because of the red carpet staircase and the giant chandelier. It was so fun taking these even if a bunch of random strangers stared at me and I’m so happy with how they came out!

dress // gloves // choker // bracelets // earrings // belt // fan
Have you ever watched “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”? Or seen Madonna’s “Material Girl” music video? Or seen that one episode of Gossip Girl where Serena dresses as Marilyn? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx