Something that I’ve been really loving lately is my Hungry Harvest box. What is it? Well HH is basically ugly vegetable delivery box. A few people I follow on Instagram and social media were sharing these big orange boxes so I got really curious as to what all the hype is about. Now I get it and I totally think you should try it!
This is not an ad, I just wanted to share my honest opinion about something I really enjoy.

Did you know that every year, 40% of food goes to waste in this country? And that 20 billion pounds of that is produce that’s lost before it ever leaves the farm? I was really appalled by those statistics and wanted to do something to help reduce this waste! I had heard good things about Hungry Harvest and took a leap of faith in February. I really like the food I’ve been getting and what they stand for as a company. You can read more of their official mission here!
I usually spend around $20 on the mini harvest and get it delivered every other week (since I don’t need that many veggies every week). You can order bigger sizes of harvests if you’re feeding a lot of people. You have the option to customize your order a few days before it’s delivered incase you really need something or don’t like something they’re about to send you. (Warning: make sure you check to see how much of a certain fruit/veggie they’re sending you. I accidentally ordered 18 limes the other day, so I was adding lime to everything and throwing back tequila shots all weekend so they wouldn’t go to waste. See pictures below!) You can also make a set list of veggies and fruits you absolutely do not want to ever receive, incase you have an allergy or a strong dislike of a certain food. Most of the produce that arrives is in pretty good shape (just a little ugly, but hey aren’t we all) and I can usually eat everything in the box before it goes bad.

Here are my top reasons why I think you should try a Hungry Harvest Box:
- Better for the environment: Well Duh! This is a given and also a huge reason HH boxes are even a thing. Feel good when you’re purchasing your produce and help reduce food waste by buying these ugly fruits and veggies!
- Pretty inexpensive: When I think of what I will normally spend on produce at the store, the number is usually way more than what I pay for these boxes. Most of the time I feel like I’m saving money on my grocery bills when I don’t have to buy a ton of produce at the store on top of other food I usually buy.
- Makes life more convenient on days you can’t grocery shop: My schedule can get really crazy and sometimes I don’t have time to run to the grocery store for the week. On these days I am thankful I get a box of fruits and veggies delivered to my house so I at least have some healthy food in the house!
- Makes your diet more plant based: Not only is a plant based diet better for your body, but it also benefits the environment. Getting a whole box of veggies delivered to you can help you meal prep and plan your food for the week, with the focus on what you got in the box. It’s also easy to brainstorm recipes when you get your email about what’s in the box, days before it even shows up at your house, incase you need to run out and get a few more things too.
- Try new fruit and veggies you never thought of to use before: I never would have bought a spaghetti squash or Chinese eggplant before but those ended up being surprisingly really good when I got them in my box a few months ago.
- New and fun recipes: After your harvest has been confirmed for the week, you get an email with what you’re getting, how much it costs, how much food you’re getting and some suggestions for recipes! This makes cooking something new really easy.
- Help end hunger: Click here to check out how HH is helping to end food insecurity in the US!

So did I convince you? Are you ready to order your first box? Click here!
Thanks for reading! xx