So lately I have been trying out a bunch of work out classes because I recently discovered something awesome about most of them: first class is free! I know so many gyms are allowing people to try them out totally for free, so my mindset is: why not?! I would like to try out as many as I can, but for now I have done a class (or more) at Orange Theory, Pure Barre, Title Boxing and CorePower Yoga. And while 3 of these were awesome…there was one I just wasn’t a fan of.

Orange Theory: You may remember my first post about Orange Theory here, but I’ve kept up with it and I love it. It’s such a well rounded, entertaining workout experience and there is such a team mentality when you’re in there. You run on the treadmill, row on the rower and do a bunch of weight and strength exercises on the floor, all while monitoring your heart rate on a screen in the room. The coach tells you what to do the entire time so it can be pretty mindless. I usually work out in the morning at 6am and it can be super difficult to get up but when I’m at the class I’m so glad I’m there. I also learn so many different exercises and OT usually has monthly challenges and themes to mix things up. I can understand that OT can be intimidating for anyone who doesn’t normally go to the gym or isn’t familiar with a lot of equipment but the coaches are super helpful and it only takes a few classes to understand the swing of things. Your first class is free but memberships can get pricey. I think it’s worth it if you want to start hardcore working out but don’t know where to start.
Pure Barre: I have always wanted to try a barre class because I have these long dancer limbs that I really want to put to use. It’s a surprisingly hard class. I don’t want to say ‘surprisingly’ in a way that would insult Barre classes and those who do them, but I didn’t think my body would be shaking so much during these classes! It’s hard work! And the weights and movements are tiny! I really feel like it’s these classes that are helping the most to sculpt my muscles the most (if that’s happening at all). The teacher usually comes over to me and helps me with technique and movements but I am still a beginner and I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it eventually. I’m currently only doing 1 class a week but I feel like I should bump that up if I want to see results. Pricing isn’t that bad!
Title Boxing: This has to be the most fun workout class I have ever done. I thought it would be more strength focused since there’s mainly punching but I was sweating by the end of the warm up. It’s fun because you get to punch this giant swinging bag and the structure of the class is as if you were actually in a boxing match. You also do some light cardio and squats and abs…the list goes on! IT’S FUN TO PUNCH THINGS! What a stress reliever. My back and shoulders hurt so much after this class! I used to do Tae Bo at my local gym (and I still try to do classes when I can) so I already had some basically knowledge of kickboxing and such. There are 3 different kinds of classes and even private training if you’re interested. I think the pricing for this membership is really reasonable so I’m definitely considering getting a monthly membership.
CorePower Yoga: So being completely honest, I didn’t have so much of a problem with CorePower Yoga as much as I had an issue with hot yoga. I didn’t know when I signed up to do a CorePower class with Kalen that it would be a hot yoga class. I do Yoga every Monday at work and I really enjoy those classes. It’s fun to flow and strength and reevaluate my mindset. This was a totally different experience and I have never sweat so much in my life. There were just so many things I wasn’t aware of at this space. I wore shoes into the studio and a woman came up to me to tell me “this is a shoe-free” studio which was embarrassing. I also didn’t know I could rent a towel which I desperately needed. I’ve been confused at workout classes before but never have I suffered the consequences of not being in the know so much. When you sign up you actually get a whole week free but there is not a CorePower yoga house close to my house so I only went once. Maybe I would have liked it more if I had a towel or if I could have done the whole week of trying out different classes. But for now I’m fine with skipping the CorePower yoga classes and sticking to my work’s Yoga Mondays.
tank // leggings // shoes // headphones // headband
Have you tried any of these classes? Anything you think I should try? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx