So what was first going to be a ‘first reactions to Lover’ has now become a ‘first thoughts and current thoughts’ post because I forgot to post this in a timely manner. However, I did jot down my random-ass thoughts of listening to the album for the first time at midnight on August 23rd and I find them absolutely hysterical. Quality stuff here. Since the album has been released I also learned a lot more about these songs and so many of them have grown on me. So here are my first thoughts and current thoughts:
August 23, Midnight, in my bedroom: I downloaded Apple Music for this just because Lover was available on there first. Remind me to delete that subscription later. I just got off of Twitter and Tumblr to listen with just my own thoughts and opinions. I have ‘Friends’ on in the background just so I don’t feel alone and omg here we go.
I Forgot That You Existed:
First Thoughts: OMG I NEEDED THIS SONG SO BADLY. classic Taylor Swift title and hook. Feels like skipping around during the summer down the street. IS THIS ABOUT CALVIN? Omg my friend Jesse told me about indifference. One time I asked him how to stop hating someone and he told me that love and hate are too close in the brain to each other so it’s better to just be indifferent. I struggled with that. hahaha MUMBLING ‘SO YEAH’ HAHA PETTY. Amazing start to the album. I wanted Calvin songs for so long lmao.
Current Thoughts: Still a bop and one of my favorites. ‘In my feelings more than Drake’ makes me laugh and I feel so petty when I listen to this one. I listen to it everyday before work shhhh it’s fine, I’m fine. This could also be about Kimye or even Karlie… I prefer to think it’s about Calcium Helium.
Cruel Summer:
First Thoughts: Kind of 80’s vibe. I heard the lyrics Taylor put on the mural in NYC! “With you” ooo perspective! Kind of like ‘Getaway Car’. I don’t know if I like who she’s singing about or not. No wait is this Calvin too? No it can’t be. Tom? SHE SCREAMED/ GROWLED I LOVED IT. I’m bopping. I DONT WANNA KEEP SECRETS JUST TO KEEP YOUUUUU. Wow who hasn’t been there before?
Current Thoughts: Definitely my favorite. I listen to this song everyday, multiple times a day and pray to God everyday it’s a single. I learned it more about a hopeless summer romance or FWB where you catch feelings and I’m about it. I saw a meme that this song is just ‘Getaway Car’ from Tom’s perspective and I chuckled. I relate to this song the most on the album and it’s so fun to scream in the car and dance around to.
So I can’t really give a full first thoughts vs current thoughts to this one because I heard it at the beach but I do remember thinking the lyrics we’re that deep but the song was super slow and soft. This song also isn’t fun if you aren’t in love but hey, a girl can dream. It has definitely grown on me, especially after she performed it at the VMA’s.
The Man:
First Thoughts: Electric too ooooo. Yes lyrics. OOO HER VOICE GETS DEEP OMG LIKE A MAN?? Leo omg whattttt. Omg I’m thinking of a treadmill why??? BITCHES AND MODELS. BITCHES AGAIN. Wait no I’m getting early 2000’s vibes and I am here it.
Current Thoughts: I am so glad she wrote this song! I mean is she wrong??! Feminist anthem and a great song to jam out to. She also says bitches TWICE which is my favorite thing lmao.
The Archer:
Just like Lover I can’t give this one a full review like the others but it has honestly become one of my least favorite songs on the album just because I listened to it a ton when she first released it. I think some of her best lyrics of the whole album are in this song but it can be a real downer for me when I listen to it.
I Think He Knows:
First Thoughts: Ok snaps. Linda mysterious. ok Tay has a type. omg this doesn’t even sound like her. she says UH and I love it. UFO sounds? Hand on my thigh!!!! Did she say sparks? They’re driving? Is this ‘Style’? Ok now I’m swaying.
Current Thoughts: HE’S GOT MY HEART-BEAT… SKIPPING DOWN 16TH AVENUE BABY. This song has grown on me a lot and I finally understand what she’s saying in the chorus. (He’s got that AHH, I mean…) I had no idea what that line was. Still reminds me of style and ‘boyish look’ makes me giggle because she’s not wrong. Joe looks very boyish. She’s so sassy and this song is super fun.
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince:
First Thoughts: MOOD CHANGE. So many ages in this album!!!! Omg this song is perfect for high schoolers. I already know this is her best album. BAD BAD GIRL. oh there’s the title. I was wondering when that would come in. So yeah this is like high school, like You Belong With Me but not. American Dream much? Reminds me of ‘So It Goes’. I LOVE THE BAD BAD GIRL LINE. Voted most likely…omg how are her friends from high school doing?? None of these thoughts make sense, I should just post this. Very cheerleader-y. I imagined more of a romantic novel cover storyline when I heard the title. Fabio, where you at?
Current Thoughts: This has slowly turned into one of my favorite songs on the album. Since listening for the first time I learned that this song is actually more about American Nationalism and there are so many political zingers in here: “My team is losing” “American glory, faded before me” “boys will be boys then, where are the wise men?” I have wanted a political song for so long! And then there’s the cheerleader chants “GO” “FIGHT” “WIN” which is what actually cheerleaders do but it also goes along with the message of the song TAYLOR SWIFT YOU ARE SO CLEVER. I love this song a lot.
Paper Rings:
First Thoughts: Okayyy 60’s vibe. lol Stalking on the internet. Wow things are escalating. Yes, I wanna jitterbug to this. MARRY WHO? Aww when we went from friends to this. That’s #goals. Omg this is so cute. What is that thing that makes her voice sounds like she’s underwater? Is that a good description? Painted her brothers wall!!!! LIKE IN THE REP MAGAZINES! Who are the guys counting? Jack? Wait, that scene in ME! thats all 60’s vibes. Awww the bridge. Ok now it sounds British? London vibes? I just kicked my dad out lol he was distracting.
Current Thoughts: It took me a few times to listen but there are a TON of witty, clever lines in this that really remind me of Taylor’s amazing songwriting abilities. It’s also super fun and happy and just listening to this song put’s me in a happy mood.
Cornelia Street:
First Thoughts: She’s always lol drunk sameee girl. Omg she revealed where she stayed! That’s rare. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I’m actually crying. She never wants to lose him omg. ok breathy! Ok so its in London? The hook doesn’t flow but I still like it. Autumn air??? When was this? Wow I thought she was only gonna say Cornelia Street once. Wait tunnel…is that NYC? Not single potential but cool vibe. Which city screams his name? The instrumental sounds like ‘King of My Heart’. Secret new beginnings!!! That’s basically her whole relationship
Current Thoughts: Still not a top favorite but this is a classic Taylor song and we have to respect that. I read an article about the swanky place she rented in 2016 and it made me laugh that she sings “memorize the creeks in the floor” as if this isn’t a multi-million dollar apartment. She also sings “bless the rains” and I’m all like TOTO.
Death by a Thousands Cuts:
First Thoughts: Woah this intro scared me. Wait it got better. Another religious-sounding jam? Wait no. Ok I love this. Does she ever drive herself ever? Yes, I love this sound. This is like the song that plays at the end of the rom-com when they find their way back to each other. HIPS GIMME MORE HIPS. Ok I’m getting so much new insight into their relationship. It was so secret, so thats cool. Omg they broke up at some point?? When? Drunk again Taylor??? hahaha. This may be my fav. Omg super abrupt ending.
Current Thoughts: Definitely top 3 song for me! I really thought Joe and Taylor broke up but this song is actually based off the movie “Someone Great” on Netflix which I loved! So now I like this song even more. This song makes me so happy because I really wanted at least one break-up song on this album. And I got it. I won.
London Boy:
First Thoughts: Who’s the man?? Springsteen! Tennessee whiskey! Omg haha the metaphors and the London and American references are killing me. This is just funny but I don’t love it. RUGBY LMAO She’s like ‘see I get it I’m one of you” don’t threaten me is that at Brendon from Panic!? DID SHE SAY BREXIT? Tbh I would move to London to get away from Trump… maybe even for a man…idk. Omg Stella!!! We drink in the afternoon in America too Taylor.
Current Thoughts: I go back and forth on whether I like this or not. The references are funny even if I don’t understand half of them and the scooter bit in the beginning is funny. She did not say Brexit, just FYI.
Soon You’ll Get Better:
First Thoughts: Ok I was so excited about this. I heard she had to leave the room at the Secret Sessions. SOUNDS COUNTRY. Omg yes. She didn’t say she was scared. I’m literally crying. Omg. She’s religious omg. I’m legit crying. ‘Cause you have to omg. Omg she loves her mom so much. I cant type through my tears. I had to get a tissue. Omg her mom has been her best friend since she was born. If theres no you omg taylor NO NO. omg she says it over again to convince herself. THIS IS SO SAD. I expected more Dixie Chicks. Omg can they even play this on country radio without the whole world just sobbing?
Current Thoughts: If I hear this song I will start crying on the spot. It’s automatic. I don’t think they will play it on country radio which is a bummer. I just wanna give Taylor a hug. She’s so vulnerable and I’m glad she included this in the album to show us more of what’s going on in her life.
False God:
First Thoughts: This album doesn’t really tell a story… which is cool but it’s jumping around a lot. OMG I CANT TALK TO YOU WHEN YOURE LIKE THIS. That’s from the ME! MV. lol its like she’s singing in an underground bar. GIMME THAT SAX. Theres a ton of religious references in this album. More golden references. Is Joe religious? Is Taylor now? More wine! So London is her fav town but NYC is his? hmm not a huge fan. more hips which I dig. LANA VIBES.
Two Weeks Later: The way I see it, False God is either one of your top three favorite songs or one of your least favorite songs. I try to listen to it and make myself like it but it’s not totally there. Potential to get better for me but I’m still not the biggest fan.
You Need To Calm Down:
First Thoughts: I’m skipping the ones I’ve heard, is that bad? It’s late and I’m getting delusional.
Current Thoughts: I still love this song (not as much as others on the album) but can’t wait to scream this at the tour!
First Thoughts: I hope this one is about sex. I like the intro. So much blue in this album! ooo kinky. She’s dealing with normal relationship stuff awww (can’t relate). She’s claiming it’s all her fault? Girl please, he’s a man it’s at least a little bit his fault… This sounds like another song on the album… so no sex? no head? *breaks skateboard* I was just thinking when I saw the Lover MV that he chased her. How are you gonna go from this to ME? Oh wait I get it.
Current Thoughts: Still not a favorite but that might also be because it’s in between YNTCD and ME! so I never really listen to it that much. But this isn’t a bottom song, this is a middle song for me and I forget about it sometimes. She’s got some great lyrics in there though.
First Thoughts: hmmm Taylor and her man fight a lot. This song sounds different in the album. Still fun.
Current Thoughts: THEY CUT SPELLING IS FUN Y’ALL ARE SO MEAN. I still love this song. It’s like she’s celebrating her individualism but also telling this boy ‘hey you’ll never have someone as amazing as me buddy’. And I like that message.
It’s Nice to Have a Friend:
First Thoughts: Again this scared me like DBATC but its also late and I was watching Chernobyl so maybe that’s why? More school references. So its like growing up? When does the base drop? Kinda Halloween-y and for fall. TRUMPET! Sounds royal. Who did she make this with? Who’s the friend? Is this when they were just friends? Has to be. Very fall-y. Pretty mellow. Spooky.
Current Thoughts: I really like this song! She used a children’s choir for the ooooooooo and I like the trumpets. This song makes me think of walking the streets of a city in the fall and I am so ready for fall so I like this song a lot.
First Thoughts: BRING IT HOME GIRL. Still romantic. More ages!!! Aww cute way to end the album. Aww my poor baby. Not single material but still a cute concept. Pre-bridge is nice. BURNING RED. The hook sounds like another song on this album… I don’t wanna lose you…??? is that a line in another song? You can do whatever you want Taylor Swift. Wait awww this is so opposite of reputation, she’s in the light! WAIT I KNOW THE LAST LINE. I guessed it. yessssss. LET IT GO. omg a voicemail?!! IM CRYING AGAIN. IS THIS A REAL VOICEMAIL? YOU ARE WHAT YOU LOVE. Wow throwback to FOB’s ‘Save Rock&Roll’ album.
Current Thoughts: Don’t hate me for saying this but I rarely make it to this song. Seemed kind of cliche and I already knew she was gonna have a song like this (there were too many Easter Eggs pointing to it). But it’s cute and catchy and the voice memo at the end is just the perfect way to end the album.
First Thoughts: Her best album. PERIODT. lots of youth references and blue references and trying not to lose someone. I’m glad she gave us more insight on the relationship. DID SHE FINALLY PUT SONGS ABOUT CALVIN ON HERE? I deserve it.
Currently: I love this album but I love the first part of this album the most. After ‘Thousand Cuts’ I usually just start it over again, which I need to stop. She really delivered and gave us so much and I can’t wait to see what else this era holds.
What’s your favorite song on Lover? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx