So here we are again. So much has happened in the last few weeks, I’ll try to explain as much as I can without sounding too vague. I always like to make these posts different from the last from what I decide to share, so please enjoy everything I think you need to know from the last two weeks.
Birthday Party Recap:
I had a super fun birthday party last weekend! For some actually pictures you can click here, I just want to express how much I love my friends and family (near and far) for helping me kick off 24 with a bang! Allison and I also went and saw WPOC’s Sunday in the Country at Merriweather Post Pavilion, but I was hungover so it wasn’t the most enjoyable. The tickets were free though, so that has to count for something.
Affirmations for Work:
Lately I’ve been kind of anxious and stressed out about work so I have decided to share these affirmations that I tell myself to make me feel better.
- I am capable of the work I am given
- I have enough time to accomplish my tasks
- Those around me believe in me and want me to succeed
- I enjoy my career
- I am just getting started so there is a world of opportunity available for me
- Today will be another successful day

What I’m Reading/Listening/Watching:
- Vox: Here are 9 scenarios for how the Trump-Ukraine impeachment process could end. I’m not sure how likely a bunch of these are, but it’s a good read if you’re curious on how things could go.
- Tiny Love Stories: These always pop up on my Facebook and I love reading these super short stories. There was one I was a little…displeased with but all in all, I think these stories are such adorable snapshots of real relationships out there and I really like that idea.
- Americans Agree on Abortion Much More Than You’d Think: Teen Vogue usually has really good articles talking about abortion and I actually learned a few things in this one.
- Sesame Street takes on opioids crisis as muppet’s mother battles addiction: OMG. I think this is an awesome thing that a lot of kids in this country need, but I’m concerned that HBO owns Sesame Street now so it may not be free to watch anymore, which means a huge demographic of kids who could really benefit from a new character like this won’t be able to see it.
- This Video of Taylor Swift: So many people sent me this as if I didn’t already see it the second it was shown on Fallon.
- Crime Junkie Podcast: New favorite podcast! I will listen to like 3 different episodes a day. But I do need to take a break sometimes because these episodes are dark.
Getting Ready for Halloween:
Currently ordering a bunch of things for costumes while trying really hard to not spend a ton of money. Last year I did ’13 days of Halloween Costumes’ and that was so much effort and money! This year I know I have a bar crawl the Saturday before and I’ll do a few #KimberKopy’s just for fun but I really only have like… 7 Halloween costumes planned. Here is the link to last years costumes!

On My Splurge List:
Here’s a list of items that I love but cost too much money for me to spend right now but I’m going to put them in a list anyway:
Wedding Wired at the Moment:
- Maid of Honor Duty: I’m planning now! Kayla get’s married in 2 months so now I’m in full bridal shower, bachelorette party and wedding weekend mode! Last week I helped Kayla at her dress fitting and I’ve started ordering stuff for…well in case Kayla reads this I want it to be a surprise.
- WE FINALLY GOT PICTURES FROM AUTUMN AND SETH’S WEDDING. This is going to be in a very long blog post by itself but seeing these pictures made me miss a lot of my friends and make me wish I could go back to that weekend because it was so fun!
Something New I Tried:
- Beyond Burger: I have wanted to try it for so long! I was a little disappointed in it (I love non-meat burgers so maybe my expectations were too high) but I may have to make a full blog post about it. It felt like I was just eating a raw patty.
- Vegan Taco Bell: I learned the other day it’s super easy to order something vegan at Taco Bell! Just order whatever you want with black beans instead of meat and take off the cheese, sour cream and chipotle sauces.
- Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Ravioli: I had tried the butternut squash ravioli before but this pumpkin ravioli is so much better!!!
- Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale: I’m really not a beer person but my friend Emily introduced me to this while we were in Boston and it’s so good!(Always get a sugar rim!)
Last week was a busy week of being in NYC one day, Baltimore at night and then Boston the next. I have a bunch of blog posts in the works that include ‘what I need to bring to my next business trip’ and ‘Boston/Salem’ recap but I’m blogging as fast as I can! I had to contact WordPress and Bluehost twice this week for issues with my blog (they were wonderful!) but I’ve been pretty slow coming back to consistent posting. I just wrote out an entire blog plan for the month of October, so let’s hope I can do it!
It is time for me to slow down. I don’t have any big travel plans for the next few months which is honestly such a relief to me. I have been going and going and going for months now and I was starting to burn out. I’m buckling down on self-care, working-out, eating right, blogs I want to do, books I want to read, tasks I want to accomplish and I know the end of the year is going to be amazing. I’m speaking it into existence.
Thanks for reading! xx