I wish I could be more creative in my introductions to these blog posts, but let’s be real. You’re not here for the introduction, you’re here for the stuff I post after this, so let’s just carry on, shall we? Here’s what I think you need to know!
Sports!!! Go Sports!!!!

Last weekend was so fun! It was the UMD vs. IU game and my dad got us a suite at Maryland! We invited a bunch of family and old family friends and it was a fantastic way to watch the game. I felt hella important (not gonna lie.) Since Taylor went to IU and Kalen has a red shirt that says “College” (ROLL TIDE) we were rooting for Indiana the whole time. My family did not like that, but it was such a good time with everyone and Indiana won so Taylor was happy.
- WWD: This is a super interesting article about follower loops on Instagram. I have done them before, but I just noticed the Kardashians doing them as well and there is a lot of controversy as it turns out…
- Time: Dogs in the work place are good for you (we already knew that, but I like factual evidence that proves it.
- Self: I sent this to a few friends after I read it and I think it’s a good read for anyone who tap dances on the line of “drinking too much” and want to take a break.
- Alicia Tenise: Honestly, I had no idea what ‘imposter syndrome’ was up until I read this article and I have never related to something so much. I’m happy I can now place my finger on this feel. And Alicia is one of my favorite bloggers!
- NY Times: “mortifying ordeal of being known” A friend sent this to me and yeah this just really resonates with me these days.
- Cosmopolitan: Apparently I taught my fellow single coworkers the concept of ‘cuffing season’ a few weeks ago and now we love to talk about it! It’s become more of a joke among ourselves but I was finding articles to send them and this is a pretty good one!
Halloween Costumes Gone Wrong:
So it turns out none of the costumes I was planning on wearing worked out. I’m trying to return a bunch of stuff! So I’m pretty much back to square one. I may just go with an outfit from this post, but my friends keep telling me I’m over thinking Halloween and I should just go with what I was originally planning. You’ll see on Saturday!
Current Shopping Wishlist:
Real Talk:
Being totally honest, this has been a really tolling last two weeks. I’m pretty emotionally exhausted and am just now getting over some things. I know life is full of ups and downs and twists and turns happen but woah was the last two weeks a lot. It’s really forced me to reevaluate some things. Things have settled down now, so I’ve been focusing on self-care. And if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with life too, I think you should do the same. So here are some things I’ve been doing that involve self!!!! care!!!!!
Self Care:
- Going to bed early
- Yoga
- Talking things out in therapy
- Face masks
- Taking the dog for a walk
- Calling a friend
- Lighting a good smelling candle
- Actually opening up one of the 55 books next to my bed
- Journaling
- Therapy

On a Positive Note:
- I secured LoverFest Tickets!! (sorry wallet)
- I can wear jeans to work now!!!
- I’m getting a Costco membership!!!
- I have a Halloween party to go to this weekend and I don’t need to tell you how much I love dressing up, do I?
- I’m getting really good at using my tripod for pictures (see this post!)
- Things are coming along with Kayla’s bridal shower and bachelorette party!!
- I have a really good support system that I’m hella thankful for 🙂
So that’s the basics of the last few weeks and some things I think you need to know! Hope you enjoy your weekend!
Thanks for reading! xx