Happy Friday! It’s that time again…time for another biweekly need-to-know. This week is more of a check-in and recap of the last few weeks, but there are definitely some things I think you need-to-know so here we go!
Podcast Episodes I Love:

So I deleted my Twitter app off my phone this week just to try to be on my phone less, so that means I was not reading a bunch of articles like I normally do. That being said, I totally made up for that by listening to podcasts. Here are my top 3 from this week:
- Bad on Paper: Carly the Prepster: I have followed Carly for so long and I loved how real she got in this podcast! I learned so many things about blogging that I didn’t even know!
- Made for This- Anxious: A girl I knew from high school posted this podcast on her story one day, so I randomly followed it. Since I’ve been feeling super anxious lately, I decided to random listen and I’m so glad I did! Facing God in times of anxiety is a good thing and needing medication and therapy to help combat mental illness does not make you a bad Christian.
- Gals on the Go: Do What You Love: I’ve been listening to Brooke and Danielle so much lately, and I particularly loved this episode because they talk about just going for what you’re passionate about and doing what you love.
Halloween Recap:

Halloween has come and gone and now I feel like I’m scrambling for new content now. I had everything planned out for October because I love dressing up for Halloween, but now I need to get my ish together for November. Here are just 3 of the costumes I wore during the last week of Halloween, and I hope you like them! (And incase you didn’t know, I was Cruella Devil, Cher from Clueless and Wednesday Adams).
OT Hellweek:

I did it! This was my first time completing Orange Theory Hellweek and I got my t-shirt. It don’t think it was as touch this year as it was last year, but I also think I’ve gotten a lot better at OT. Hellweek was the exact push I needed to kick off No Fun November. I can’t believe I’ve been doing OT for over a year now. You can expect a post later.
Kayla’s Bridal Shower + Wedding Prep

Last week was Kayla’s bridal shower and this weekend is her bachelorette party! I helped plan both and the shower was wonderful (blog post coming later this week). Super excited for tomorrow with Kayla’s bachelorette party (there will probably be a post about that too). I had to get my bridesmaid dress hemmed a little the other day and I’m looking for silver ribbons and belts I can wear to with it show I’m #MOH. Can’t believe the wedding is less than a month away now!
No Fun November:

It’s been a little bit of a struggle to keep up with, but I’ve been making a lot of good baby steps to keeping my goals. I started going to Pure Barre again, have already put some money into my paycheck and have been tracking my food everyday. I just got paid today so I’m trying really hard to not blow my paycheck on everything I’ve been looking at for the holidays. There are a bunch of sales going on right now though… Starbucks also released their holiday drinks and I want nothing more than a caramel brûlée latte. But I won’t!
Current Shopping Wishlist:
Mental Health:
I got a great response from this post which really excites me and makes me smile. Mental health is so important to talk about and I want to be able to talk about it very openly on the blog. Mental health is something I struggle with and lately it hasn’t been the best. I know I’m not alone in that, so I will definitely be sharing more about that here on the blog. Thanks for the support everyone!
Thanks for reading! xx Have a great weekend!