Fun fact: My best friend of the last 20 years (phew) is getting married! You may remember this post of when I photographed Kayla’s actual engagement (she thought she was just taking blog photos for me) and now her wedding is just around the corner! I have been practicing my Maid of Honor speech every single day when I’m alone in my car (I really just need to write it down). A few weekends ago, I helped throw her a bridal shower and it was so fun! Here are some pictures of the food, the games and the beautiful bride to be!

Okay now it’s time to get sappy: Kayla and I met when we were 4 and have been best friends since we were 7. Like totally inseparable through elementary school, middle school, high school, college and all of the rumble-tumble things that have happened in both of our lives. Now she’s getting married to such an incredible person and I couldn’t be happier for her. She has always been one of my favorite people, she always will be and she deserves all the best things in life. Getting to be Kayla’s maid of honor is one of the greatest privileges of my entire life and I am so so so excited. Here is a picture of us when we were 7 or 8!

Thanks for reading! xx