Merry Christmas August May Who! I’m afraid I do have something for you. Your ring back. I’m sorry. But my heart belongs to…someone else.
Merry Christmas everyone! It is legit Christmas morning as I’m finishing up this blog post before I head downstairs to eat breakfast with the fam and open some presents. This is my last Kimberkopy for the Christmas season and I am so excited to share it. I have spent so much time working on this and planning this and I love how these turned out. In case you didn’t already know, the 2000 Grinch movie is my favorite Christmas movie and I wanted to recreate one of Martha’s looks for such a long time. (After all, she has such an iconic style in that movie). Check out more pictures and some back story below!

So I could not find a robe like the one Martha is wearing in this scene in the Grinch for the life of me. So I knew I was going to have to get crafty. I found this long blue robe on Savage Fenty and it was super inexpensive when you signed up for the monthly membership (that you can skip hehe). Here is the link for the robe (currently sold out in blue). I spent 4 hours the other night hot gluing this white fluffy stuff to the edges of the robe. As I was taking these pictures (in the backyard of my friend’s parent’s house) the fluff started falling off everywhere! At least I got some good shots before the entire thing fell apart. I was struggling to find a location to take these too because there was absolutely no chance of snow this week and I don’t have any super big decorated Christmas trees near me. The main focus of this post is the robe, but I hope my sad 7 ornaments on the trees behind me give some sort of hint it’s Christmas related. Shoutout to my twin brother Chris for taking these pics!
Hope you like this recreation and hope you have a great Christmas!
Thanks for reading! xx