Is it almost February already? Wow, I guess that means it’s time to really get my ish together. If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that every year I do a “No Fun February” Here is my original post for NFF and here is last year’s post. Each year I tend to shift my goals for NFF and that is why I am really excited to talk about my plans and ambition for this month’s challenge.
Why I Do No Fun Feb:
I started doing NFF because I had just studied abroad in Scotland and I just really needed to get back on track to save money and be healthier. My friend Jesse did a “No Fun November” right before he graduated college and that is what initially gave me the idea for this in the first place. But I’ve definitely turned it into my own thing now.
February is a great month to do this because it’s still pretty early in the year, so if you have wavered at all on you New Years Resolutions, here is your second chance. It’s also the shortest month of the year, so I think that makes it easier to stick with it.
The truth is, I do find No Fun Feb fun. That may seem confusing, but I’m the kind of person who really enjoys being productive and working towards goals (Enneagram 3 over here lol). I like knowing that I’m exercising self-discipline and pushing myself to accomplish difficult goals. I really have a tough time sticking to diets and extreme work-out schedules and so on. But with NFF, it’s become more of a goal to find the fun in living differently from what I normally do. Even just being able to say “oh sorry I can’t do that it’s No Fun Feb” and use that as an excuse to keep me accountable really helps too.

The Basics:
When I tell people what No Fun Feb is what I usually say is: it’s a month of getting your sh*t together. So that can mean a lot of different things for you. For me, it consists of eating healthy, not drinking alcohol, exercising more than usual, not going out to eat, and not spending money on anything besides groceries, bills and gas.
My friends who have done this monthly challenge with me before have really customized it for themselves. Some goals I’ve seen my friends do are restricted TV time, deleted social media apps, make getting 8 hrs of sleep a priority, be celibate for the month, and even stop straightening their hair just to give it a break. No Fun Feb can be whatever you want it to be, you just need to stick to it.
So the reason that I do this weird monthly challenge is to accomplish goals by the end of it. So here are my set goals that I will evaluate in March to see if I did them:
- Successfully complete Whole30 to feel healthier
- Pay off my credit card so I can put more money in my savings
- Run 3 miles under 30 minutes to prep for another half marathon
- Get my screen time down to less than 4 hrs a week to refocus my attention elsewhere
- Take a class I have never taken before to learn something new
How This Year is Different:

So the basics of NFF are pretty much the same for me every year, but this year I’m giving myself some new challenges:
- Going Whole30: I’m literally so nervous for this because I know I am addicted to sugar. I just watched Rachel on Instagram complete Whole30 and she was super inspiring. I know this is going to be so hard to stick to the rules and not give into my cravings but I’ve never successfully done a whole February without sugar and alcohol before.
- Budgeting my groceries: I used to spend so much money on groceries just because they were ‘healthy’ and because I felt like I had to buy a ton to prepare myself. But so much of that food went to waste and I didn’t even like a bunch of it. So this year I would really like to budget my groceries as best I can and use coupons! It’s time to sit down and really plan out my meals.
- Start running again: So I’m not doing the April half-marathon I have for the last two years, but I really do think I am the best version of myself when I am running long distances. Despite my bad knees and hatred of running outside when it’s cold, I want to set a distinct goal that I will run at least 3 miles a week (not including at Orange Theory) for this month. Running is my stress reliever and it’s much easier for me to get into shape when I am running.
- Waking up by 6:30am everyday: I am convinced that if I can naturally get myself up by 6:30am every morning, my life will improve. I work out at least 2x a week at 6:05am so for those days I need to be up by 5:30am. On days where I don’t work out I will normally sleep in until 7:45am, and I just don’t think waking up at all these scattered times is good for me. So I figure if I can aim to get up from 5:30am-6:30am every morning, my mornings will improve and my body will be more used to it.
- Trying new classes: Something that my therapist has really pushed for me lately is to take some local classes to learn something new. So even if these classes will cost money, I really want to expand my horizons this month (since I won’t be spending that much time drinking, scrolling on my phone or watching TV) and learn something new. Some classes I’m think of include cooking, aerial yoga and even a Photoshop class.

My Plan:
So here are some tactics I’m using to stay on track this month:
- Meal prep every week
- Keep healthy snacks around me constantly
- Drink a ton of water to prevent cravings
- Delete my shopping apps on my phone
- Hide my TV remotes in my room
- Set up app and screen time limits

So that is basically what I’m planning for No Fun February this year. I’m really excited to get the ball rolling and make some positive changes in my life. I hope you’re up for it too, because I know every year I am super proud of myself, feeling healthier and feeling better about my financial situation by March. One of the biggest things that will help you throughout this month is to find friends to keep you accountable. But if your friends are totally not interested, message me on Instagram! We’re in this together. Here are some other tips to help you out this month too.
So are you with me for No Fun Feb this year? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx