Happy March! No Fun February is officially over! I’m ready for the fun to resume. But before I really start this post, I need to be totally honest…I did not do the best I could during No Fun Feb. But I’m not about to beat myself up about it. Here’s my recap:
Here is my post for No Fun Feb 2020. And here were my goals for NFF:

- Successfully complete Whole30 to feel healthier: I did not do a good job with the Whole30 thing. I never realized how much sugar was in everything I ate! I was not perfect with the Whole30 but I am so glad I did it because I felt healthier. I didn’t weight myself because I didn’t want my no-fun month to be only centered on weight loss. But I do think doing Whole30 was a great kickstarter to developing healthier habits.
- Pay off my credit card so I can put more money in my savings: Mission accomplished! I successfully paid off my credit card this month which has been a long term goal of mine. Downloading the Mint app really helped with monitoring my spending.
- Run 3 miles under 30 minutes to prep for another half marathon: This didn’t really happen until the end of the month. I’m still out of shape, but I did sign up for my next half marathon.
- Get my screen time down to less than 4 hrs a week to refocus my attention elsewhere: I think my screen time did decrease, but not to the point of less than 4 hours. But I think that’s because I do social media for work and my blog.
- Take a class I have never taken before to learn something new: Okay so I was totally planning on doing this… but the cooking and aerial yoga classes I was looking at were a little pricey and I was busy on the days they were offered. So I opted out of this goal, pretty early on.
Overall, I did well during the first 3 weeks, during the week. Weekends were definitely the most challenging, which is expected. Here are more details of my overarching goals for NFF:
Food and Drink: I started snacking a lot better this month. I found a lot of fruit based or low-carb snacks that were pretty filling. I also was surprised at how easy it was to replace certain foods. Like switching to cauliflower rice, dairy free ranch and sugar free ketchup. I looked at food labels more often. I didn’t track my food everyday like I planned, but everything I was eating was generally in the Whole30 guidelines. So I didn’t feel like I had to. I also only drank alcohol on 3 special occasions during the month, so I don’t feel like I’m as much as a casual drinker now.
Budgeting: This is part of my no-fun months that always get me. While I was able to budget my groceries more and save money on gas by getting a rewards card, I kept shopping for clothes and personal things. I had to buy a bunch of concert tickets and plane tickets. On the bright side, all the clothes I bought were thrifted so I saved money there. My biggest accomplishment with my money this month was paying off my credit card, so go Kim.
Exercising: I managed to do OTF 3-4 times a week during No Fun Feb. Even though I didn’t run outside as much as I would have liked, I’m still proud of this.
Self-Care: I went to therapy. I wrote in my journal. I took care of my skin. I did not work up at 6:30am every morning, but I did get on average 7 hours of sleep. So I’m still counting this as a success.
Finding New Fun: I finished a book! This is rare for me so I’m proud of myself. That’s really all I did besides take new and fun pictures for my blog. Which is still productive and fun!
So that was No Fun Feb. 2020. I’m in half-marathon training now, so I need to hold myself accountable. I’m considering keeping some of those restrictions on myself just to be better about half marathon training but we’ll see. Now that it’s March, let’s bring on the fun!
Thanks for reading! xx