So this blog post took a lot to do. Normally I only shoot one outfit in a day, but this time I shot 6! And a video! Friends is my comfort TV show and I’m mega sad it’s not on Netflix anymore. Thankfully with 10 seasons, I have so many outfits I can recreate for a KimberKopy. This is definitely just part 1 of series that I don’t even know how many parts long it will be. But that’s the fun part about my blog: I can do what I want. My favorite part about this blog post is that everything I’m I’m wearing in this is something I already owned or is thrifted from ThredUp or Poshmark. I’m so happy with how these recreations turned out and can’t wait to do more! I included side-by-side comparisons and where I got everything for each outfit below!
Also, I want to add that I made a ti-… a tik t-…. (I can’t even say it)… I made a tiktok and featured all of these outfits in a video! Follow me on tiktok -@kimbermoose!
Outfit 1: S7/E4

The One With Rachel’s Assistant: This is such a classic Rachel look. I wanted this outfit in round one of these recreations because my hair length and color right now are super similar to how Rachel’s was in season 7. I got both of these pieces from ThredUp. Most of the items you see in this post are going to be from ThredUp because I ordered a bunch of items at the same time to save on shipping. I also had a 20% off coupon.

Outfit 2: S6/E16

The One That Could Have Been- Part 2: This outfit is honestly what motivated me to make this post. I thought it was super outrageous and would also be a challenge to find all of the pieces. But I did! And I love the scene when Rachel is drinking with Joey and then she throws up on him. I wish I had that hair wand thing that inserts jewels into your hair…but unfortunately I sold mine back in 2003. I found the leggings on Poshmark and the turtleneck on ThredUp. There were definitely some cheaper options when it came to “purple turtleneck” and “pink leopard pants” but I felt these two pieces were the closest to the real outfit and I want this post to be as authentic as possible.

Outfit 3: S4/E1

The One With The Jellyfish: I don’t think this outfit is very well known, but it’s from the episode when they all go to the beach in Season 2. This was another easy outfit for me to do since yellow halter tops were all over ThredUp and Poshmark. This was only a few bucks on ThredUp and I totally think I can wear it again which is always a bonus. My mom also had old hairclips from the 90s that made it easy to style my hair for this look. All I did was make a low pony, and then use a wide clip to flip my hair up.

Outfit 4: S6/E23

The One With The Ring: My friend Ashley sent me this outfit on Instagram and I immediately wanted to recreate it. My favorite aspect of this look is her hairstyle. In the episode she pulled the front pieces back into one clip, and then put a clip on each of those pieces. I’m dumb and didn’t photograph the back but just take my word for it. I already owned these white pants (check out this blog post) and the tube top was super cheap on ThredUp.

Outfit 5: S1/E2

The One With The Sonogram At The End: When I say “iconic” you say “this look”. I mean seriously…is there a more Rachel Green outfit than the jean vest? All I had to buy for this look was the jean vest and I got it in my big order from ThredUp. My mom gave me these clogs a few years ago because they hurt her feet and luckily we’re the same size. And you’ve seen this leather skirt from this post.

Outfit 6: S6/E4

The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance: This is more of a bonus shot for this post. I originally wasn’t going to shoot this look on this day, but it ended up being super easy since I already had the shirt. My friend at work actually gave me this flannel! And fun fact: I got this 90s looking phone case from Amazon. It’s literally so big and obnoxious, but everyone I show it too laughs. And I like making people laugh.

Which is your favorite look? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx