Did anyone else forget this is Memorial Day weekend? I literally had no idea until I looked at my work calendar and realized I have a half day today. Not that it makes a difference, considering I’m still not leaving my house. It’s so rainy and gross in Maryland today and that will continue on through the weekend. What a bummer. But even with this gloomy weather, I still wanted to share 5 things that brought me joy this week.
Restarting Avatar: No, not the blue people version… the good version. I have never watched Avatar: The Last Airbender all the way through before, even though so many of my friends in high school were obsessed! And now I can see why. Super entertaining! It’s on Netflix and has become my new favorite show to watch after work.
Cooking new things: If there is one thing I’m going to walk out of quarantine with, it’s more knowledge on how to cook. I’m a huge baker, but I don’t normally cook. So since I’m not eating out as much and have a lot of free time on my hands, I’m trying to learn how to make some of my favorite food at home. This week I made a Popeyes chicken sandwich with my mom. It’s ended up being delicious but learning how to fry chicken for the first time was…embarrassing. I almost set my kitchen on fire. Thank God for mothers. I’m never moving out. Here’s the recipe I followed.
New Lady Gaga & Ariana Grande Song: I didn’t even realize this song was coming. And honestly, I was recently disappointed by Ariana’s lame single with Justin (I can’t even remember the name of the song) so I had low expectations. But Gaga and Ari did not disappoint. I’ve been listening to ‘Rain On Me’ all day on repeat. The song is a BOP and the music video is so creative and so Gaga. I’m relieved to learn they shot it before the coronavirus, but go watch it here. All I can say is, thank you Lady Gaga for this gift.
Brazilian Bum Bum Cream: WHAT A GAME CHANGER! I recently got this from the Sephora sale (which was like a month ago) and I’ve been putting it on the backs of my arms before going to bed. I have pretty dry skin (and I think I can thank Accutane for that) but since I started using this cream, the red bumps on my arms have disappeared! My skin is so soft. I’m obsessed. Buy your own here.
reputation merch is on sale: RUN, DO NOT WALK TO THE TAYLOR SWIFT STORE. Swifties know how superior the reputation merch was (style wise and quality wise) and for Memorial Day some things are only $10!!! That’s incredible considering most of these items were originally $55+. There are actually a ton of sales happening right now that I’m taking advantage of. If you would be interested in a blog post about my favorite sales happening, let me know!
How are you spending Memorial Day weekend? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx