The utter surprise and joy I felt last Thursday morning when Taylor started dropping 12 Instagram photos in a row. A NEW ALBUM?! NOW? I didn’t have time to emotionally prepare. But now that it’s been a week, I have finally been able to process the album and do some research. This is not a review, as much as me just sharing my ‘Kim Thoughts’ before the album came out, right after the album came out, and now a week later. I’ve been listening to folklore nonstop and it is so magical. Check out my current ranking of the songs at the end of this post!
I’d like to add that these “first thoughts” were written literally during the first time I listened to the album and it was during the middle of the night. So they are a little jumbled and don’t make sense and have a lot of ‘aww‘s and ‘omg‘s. Work with me here.
the 1
Prediction: probably about finding ‘the one’ true love. I’m expecting it to be more upbeat since it’s the first song but very folks-y.
First listen: We’re not supposed to go to buses Taylor. This reminds me of Notting Hill. Yes a break up song! We haven’t had one of these in forever! This is a perfect follow up to Daylight, sound wise. Omg I needed this? So many of my friends needed this song. I love that she says shit. So I’m guessing this is going to be a memories album. This song is still so classic Taylor and so mellow.
Thoughts now: What a perfect start to this album! The sound, vibe and lyrics are so perfect to kick off this album. This song was not what I expected at first but I immediately liked it. This is such classic Taylor writing and no, I don’t think she’s writing about herself. I mentioned above that so many of my friends could use this song, and so many people have texted me about how they cried during this one. Taylor does it again.
Favorite Lyrics: Roaring twenties, tossing pennies in the pool // And if my wishes came true // It would have been you
Prediction: I saw on Youtube that it’s about losing young love and how that always stays with you. I saw some lyrics on a t-shirt on her website and idk why but I’m picturing a similar sound to Love Story.
First Listen: My first listen was technically during the music video which I don’t think I should have done because I was so focused on the visuals and not the lyrics. The music video felt like it pertained more to Taylor’s personal experiences like a lot of her other music videos.
Thoughts Now: This was not one of my favorites at first but after figuring out it was a part of the love triangle, it is now one of my favorites. I love how it ties into the other songs on the album and the lyrics are just so beautiful and really paint a picture. I thought that because of the music video, this song would be more of Taylor’s personal experiences but it is part of a bigger story so I love! And yes, I bought the cardigan.
Favorite Lyrics: You drew stars around my scars // but now I’m bleeding
the last great american dynasty
First Listen: So it doesn’t seem like the hardcore song. but I love the sound. It’s like taking a train through the mountains. There are so many great references and it tells a story but about who? I love her song writing so much I’m crying. Awww a few key changes!.
Thoughts Now: I don’t know why I expected a super hardcore song when this album is literally folk music. At first listen I didn’t understand what this song was really about but after learning it’s about her Rhode Island house, I am OBSESSED. The visuals and story telling is everything and the fact that she compares herself to Rebekah just makes me so happy. The line “and then it was bought by me” makes me burst into tears.
Favorite Lyrics: There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen// she had a marvelous time ruining everything

exile (feat. bon iver)
Prediction: I am ready to cry. I have been listening to Bon Iver all day and I hope this song is soft and airy and talks about running away? I am imaging a lot of fog and some beautiful guitar melodies.
First Listen: Woah deep man voice. ooo another break up song yes! Film themes? She mentions an understudy so yes, movies and film. It sounds like she’s the feature and not Bon Iver? Is that a British tone in her voice? Omg can this be added to the New Moon soundtrack??? Their voices sound so good together. This is so beautiful. I didn’t expect so many break up songs but i am so happy we have them…unless she and Joe broke up. But I don’t think that’s the case…
Thoughts Now: Top favorite song! Just and Taylor’s voices together is so angelic. And Joe helped write this one! This song is so stunning and I really hope it becomes a single. My thoughts haven’t really changed on this song since I first heard it. It’s just so incredible.
Favorite Lyrics: I couldn’t turn things around (You never turned things around) // ‘Cause you never gave a warning sign (I gave so many signs)
my tears ricochet
Prediction: Apparently this is the first song she wrote, its self written and Jack Antonoff produced it and it’s one of his favorites. It’s also track 5 so I just know it is going to make me cry and move me in my core. Kind of expecting a contrast to the notion of ‘teardrops on my guitar’?
First Listen: I knew there would be angels. Omg is this a funeral? Omg another break up song! Is she okay? I love her voice. Is this about Calcium Helium? More wedding references with rings. This reminds me of Haunted, in lyrics not sound. Is this an apology to CH? Stolen lullaby! Is it about Big Machine? This songwriting is stunning. I like that she is admitting fault and the realness of a bad breakup.
Thoughts Now: This song is growing on me but at first I actually had no idea what she was singing about. Now I’m sort of getting that this is actually about Scott Borchetta and him selling her masters to Scooter Braun. But even without that context, this is a beautiful song and she has a lot of new emphasis in her voice that I haven’t heard before.
Favorite Lyrics: And if I’m dead to you why are you at the wake?
Prediction: like a crystal ball that tells your fortune? like a disco ball? I expect this one to be be more upbeat, but I have no idea what to expect this song to be about?
First Listen: WHAT IS A MIRRORBALL? Why cant it just be a mirror? oh so a disco ball? is this a British thing? omg is this Kacey Musgraves? Did she say toilet? I’m getting major 70s vibes. Oh I relate to this one so much. I wanna cry i love this album so much and it’s even better that this is so unexpected in sound and the fact that we have an album. So many deep lyrics. So metaphorical!
Thoughts Now: Did Taylor write this song for me and only me? Feels like it. I see so many people think this song is a skip and I want to drop kick them. I relate to this song so much and it is so calming to me.
Favorite Lyrics: I’m still on that tightrope // I’m still trying everything to get you laughing at me
Prediction: seven deadly sins? seven days of the week? seven, seven SEVEN from Friends? I hope this song tells a story and builds up the folklore title. should be pretty magical and mystical.
First Listen: I’m getting late 90s vibes? Okay this is very folklore. Awww she never references Pennsylvania. Oh! It’s about her childhood and her memories! SWEET TEA AND GODS GRACES. This is like “Mary’s Song” but like poetic and mystical. “Tim Mcgraw” music video vibes maybe? So not about sex …oops.
Thoughts Now: This song gets stuck in my head so often. It is just so magical and when you really dive deep into the lyrics it actually tells such a sad story from a child’s perspective. Absolutely amazing. Too many people sleep on this song.
Favorite Lyrics: Please picture me in the weeds // Before I learned civility
Prediction: Please please please be about this pandemic and how we didn’t expect this to last until August and how life is so not normal rn and i just hope this song is super relatable to the pandemic and so much that has happened. I think it would be upbeat.
First Listen: Lana vibes. aww its a love song. omg I love it. Omg ‘you were never mine’. Its like Cruel Summer. Bed sheets yes girl get it. OOoo a bottle of wine. OMG the bridge! Aww this is beautiful and I’m crying because its so relatable. Forbidden love but also love is so fragile and you never really have anyone. The strings are beautiful. all of these songs have long 10 second endings…
Thoughts Now: Incredible, amazing, show stopping, one of my favorites. And part of the love triangle! I love that. Reminds me so much of Cruel Summer and I am such a sucker for song’s from the ‘other woman’s’ perspective. Love that you almost have but it slips through your fingers. I’m starting to see how bad my predictions were but how pleasantly surprised I was for each song. I’m glad none of my predictions were right.
Favorite Lyrics: And then canceled my plans just in case you’d call// Back when I was living for the hope of it all

this is me trying
Prediction: when i read this title i start to think about “Back to December”. i feel like this is going to be a sad song? like feeling hopeless. i;m expecting it to be very folk-y. I also always love a track 9
First Listen: Ooo big intro. Oh so this is about pandemic? No wait… kind of reminds me of delicate with the vocals. Trying to do what Taylor? Sounds like “Afterglow” with all the apologizing. She regrets drinking? Awww she just wants him. She knows her faults and yes, her words do cut when she’s mad lol. This song sounds more like an interlude.
Thoughts Now: This is another song that is growing on me. It took me a while to realize that this song is not from Taylor’s perspective but the lyrics tell a story of a man who is trying to maintain control of his life. And I love that.
Favorite Lyrics: And it’s hard to be at a party // When I feel like an open wound
illicit affairs
Prediction: I HOPE THIS SONG IS SEXY AND ABOUT THIS LOVE TRIANGLE SHE MENTIONED IN HER LIVECHAT. I think sexiness when I hear affairs. and illicit is forbidden and i just have a feeling i am going to love this song.
First Listen: Woah wait it’s slow? like ‘Last Kiss’? Oh I love this perspective. Oh this story telling. I hope she has never felt this way. A true country song. Is this is one of the triangle songs? Oh the bridge! She’s angry. But also so sad? Omg I would ruin myself a million little times. There is such a small voice of anger in this song. Woah what an abrupt ending.
Thoughts Now: Apparently I’ve been listening to this song the most on Spotify. And I know why because ughhhh this song! It’s so beautiful and it’s so weird that I love ‘other woman’ songs and songs about affairs but I do! And this song breaks my heart but also tells such an amazing story and the lyrics just cut into your heart. I also love that it doesn’t really have a resolution at the end of the song, it’s just like a sad and angry rant but nothing changes. Absolutely amazing.
Favorite Lines: You showed me colors you know I can’t see with anyone else
invisible string
Prediction: so it’s pulling you towards something…is this part of the 3 song love triangle too? what is pulling you. I think this song will sound like Lana or like “Wildest Dreams”.
First Listen: Is that a banjo? Give me folk yes! WAIT I LIVE NEAR CENTENNIAL PARK! More memories I love it. You would think she had a childhood love she still loves. awwwww this is the cutest song. omg wait American singer! So this is from her perspective and when she was sneaking around London. A classic Taylor bridge. That dang dive bar makes another appearance! This is like reputation lyrics, with a folklore sound. Sending babies present! omgmgogmgmg the growth! Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven awwww.
Thoughts Now: I’ve listened to this song more now so I actually picked up on all the other references like “Bad Blood” and the reference to Joe Jonas’s baby. Just the idea of this song is so freaking cute. I love this song and I love how happy Taylor is. Who’s on the end of my invisible string?
Favorite Lyrics: And isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some // Invisible string tying you to me?
mad woman
Prediction: I HOPE WE GET BLANK SPACE VIBES. I hope it’s feisty and aggressive and snarky and I can just say F*CK MEN when I listen
First Listen: ok piano… not what I expected. ooo she mad. Fierce! F*CK YOU FOREVER OMGGGG! Omg the gaslighting! Oh I’m geeking this is everything. such amazing lyrics and her low voice is ugh everything. I did something bad but older and stern and mature. witches! Wait who wants her dead?? Go crazy Taylor YES! Omg this is the other love triangle thing? So vengeful and I’m so here for it. I sense a little satire.
Thoughts Now: This song is exactly what I wanted. Turns out it is not part of the love triangle but it tells such an amazing story and I would love to see a movie about it. It’s like she’s screaming these things while whispering? There is so much anger behind these lyrics but the sound is so eery. I love it.
Favorite Lyrics: It’s obvious that wanting me dead has really brought you two together
Prediction: I don’t think I even processed this was a song when I saw the tracklist? I imagine this will be like “Daylight”? I think it will sound like “I Forgot That You Existed” and I can’t explain why but I think it will be upbeat or like the sun shining on your face.
First Listen: archer vibes? so shes an angel? so like army? dunkirk? why do i think of dying grandparents? or is it her mom? PTSD references? the story of an army guy who comes home to his sick wife? the background vocals are amazing.
Thoughts Now: Could I have been more wrong with my prediction?! That is so funny. This is another song that is growing on me. It’s from the perspective of her grandfather during WW2 but also from the perspective of front line workers in hospitals and that is so beautiful. This song sounds like angels and heaven and is so beautiful.
Favorite Lyrics: And some things you just can’t speak about

Prediction: Apparently Joe’s mom’s name is Betty? But it could also be like Bette Davis Eyes? I think this will include a line about a garden and growing old and be like “Mary’s Song” and “The Lucky One”. It could be like Ed Sheeran’s “Nancy Sullivan” song.
First Listen: this is explicit? awww it’s a story. this is so cute. its like 1950s. GO F* CK MYSELF YES OMG. Only 17 awwww. So its from the perspective of a guy? or they’re gay. Omg this is so cute. The name Inez so old fashion so this has to be from a long time ago. 1950s vibes? So it’s an apology? The cute way she says fuck myself omg. James! It is better than “Mary’s Song”. Is that a harmonica? Kind of like “How You Get The Girl”.ooo cardigan! Okay wait, everyone I’m texting says this song is gay. I’m about it.
Thoughts Now: So this is the final song in the love triangle. And I have mixed feelings about whether or not Betty should take James back but it’s a cute song. And apparently Inez and James are the names of Blake Lively’s kids. And a lot of people think this song is gay and tbh I’m here for it. It’s going to country radio soon and I’m so excited! Oh also, Joe helped write this one.
Favorite Lyrics: Would you tell me to go f*ck myself // Or lead me to the garden?
Prediction: maybe this is going to be the song about world peace? or finding peace in the little things and where we are? someone brings you peace? its just one word so i literally have no clue but i hope there is an angelic choir.
First Listen: ooo nice guitar. like hairspray. the suspense is killing me. lots of summer themes. this is not a fall album. this is like 70s rock. oh i love it. but wheres the bass drop? GIVE YOU A CHILD?? like false god lyrics and archer vibes about worried if you don’t provide enough to your partner. this is another interlude.
Thoughts Now: The more I listen to this song the more I like it. It was definitely not a favorite but it does get stuck in my head now. This reminds me of the themes in “The Archer” or “Dancing With Our Hands Tied” because it seems like Taylor is always questioning why someone would want to be with her.
Favorite Lyrics: All these people think love’s for show // but I would die for you in secret
Prediction: Woah…what a title to end this album on! At the end she just says ‘jk cruel summer is the next single’. I hope this is like Getaway Car and plays up the idea of things that are real and fake and what we perceive everything to be.
First Listen: is this a sad song? Awww give me a reason. More blue themes like in Lover! This is so melancholy and slow. I don’t love this for ending the album tbh. Has she said hoax yet? OH yes! She’s saying ‘hoax’ not ‘hugs’. Awww she is so vulnerable. Omg what he do Taylor that was worse? I need to analyze these lyrics.
Thoughts Now: Why would she end the album with such a sad song! I still don’t understand it. but I love how vulnerable she gets. It sounds like ghosts are singing. It’s so hauntingly beautiful. This is the song that made me really question whether she was single or not and I hate that.
Favorite Lyrics: Stood on the cliffside screaming, “Give me a reason”

First Thoughts: I like how there is not a lot of speculation in this album. Since it’s such a surprise and Taylor has not been physically seen in months, there are no rumors surrounding it. A lot of the songs sound similar but maybe that’s cohesive? I need to figure out which songs are the love triangle. For the last two albums Taylor put out, I have been thrilled by Taylor being happy and in love. But one of the things I have loved about Taylor’s music since I was 13 is her writing on break-ups. So the fact that we got so many more sad songs actually makes me happy because I can actually relate to those songs.
Thoughts Now: Dare I say that this album is ‘sonically cohesive’? I love this album so much. Dare I say it’s my favorite? I say that about every new Taylor album but this album is just everything I love. The lyrics are incredible and she is so good at telling a story and putting into words the emotions you can’t seem to figure out yourself. I adore how she pulled so many different perspectives and stories for this album and how much cursing she did! I’VE WAITED 15 YEARS TO HEAR HER SAY F*CK ON AN ALBUM. I’ve been listening all the way through the album, in order every day since it came out and it’s just so perfect.

I took these pictures the other day at the Howard County Conservancy at sunset with my tripod. My dress is originally from reformation but I got it from Rent the Runway. My goal with these pictures was to embody the song ‘seven’ and I think they turned out great.
What is your favorite song on the album? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx