SHE HAS DONE IT AGAIN. Could someone please contact Taylor Swift and ask her to please get her foot off my neck for A SINGLE MOMENT?! She is so so so good to us. ANOTHER ALBUM? ONLY MONTHS AFTER TS8? FOLKLORE’S SISTER?! I was so so so excited for this one. Even though it was a totally random and unexpected drop, I think I was better prepared for this one because I had gotten so used to folklore. The night the album came out I hosted a Zoom party where we all watched and listened to the Youtube lyrics videos. We stayed up until like 3am but it was so fun! And like I’ve done for Lover and folklore, here are my predictions, first thoughts and current thoughts on each song.
Prediction: This sounds like it is going to be a sad song. Don’t willows weep? “cardigan” was the lead single off of folklore and that was sort of sad too… so maybe that’s the vibe we’re going for? I can’t wait to see the music video-she looks like a fairy princess.
First Listen: This song is so cute! Omg I love that one line “wreck my plans, you’re my man” or whatever it is.
Thoughts Now: Much like “cardigan”, I don’t think I’ve dived into this song’s lyrics enough, but it is so catchy and I love that she used one of her old RED tour dancers as the lead in the music video! The lead single is never my favorite but this song makes me happy.
Champagne Problems:
Prediction: I want this song to be TIWWCHNT part 2. ‘Swimming in a champagne sea’ and ‘feeling Gatsby’. This could be a great party song for New Years. I’m excited.
Thoughts Now: The…complexity of this song. The power…this song has. It may be my favorite song Taylor has ever written. AND SHE WROTE IT WITH JOE! They literally said “let’s cosplay a horrible break-up, it’ll be fun”. I love this story of two college sweethearts expecting two different outcomes for the same night. I feel like I could write an entire essay on the complexity of this song. The entire bridge is phenomenal and explains the layers of the story so beautifully. Incredible song. Incredible. I can’t wait to scream the bridge to this song at Taylor’s concert.
Gold Rush:
Prediction: Taylor loves to sing about gold when she sings about Joe. So this is probably about Joe. I think this will be a happy song, but I can’t place a vibe or a tune yet. Fast tempo maybe?
First Thoughts: It’s a bop! I can totally see myself driving around and jamming to this with the windows down. Woah wait…that was a quick ending.
Thoughts Now: Its bizarre because I wouldn’t call this song my favorite on the album but when I have been playing this song first when I shuffle the album. It’s fun to dance to! Very Jack Antonoff and it gets stuck in my head.
‘Tis The Damn Season
Prediction: Is this gonna be a sassy Christmas song? Like “Christmas Tree Farm” or All Time Low’s “Merry Christmas…Kiss My Ass?”. She posted an Easter Egg for this song on Instagram so I have high hopes it’s going to be a good one.
First Thoughts: THIS SONG IS ME AND KALEN AND I LOVE IT! STAYING AT MY PARENTS HOUSE. Oh I love this song! Definitely my favorite so far.
Thoughts Now: My favorite song! I love the story it tells and it makes me wish I had a hometown honey to text. (Thank God that I don’t). This song just flows so naturally and I love a trope of “we shouldn’t be doing this but you feel like home”. Thats what this song is about to me. It’s constantly on repeat and the line “to leave the warmest bed I’ve ever known” breaks me.
Tolerate It:
Prediction: Ooof… Track 5. With a title like this, I think I already know what it’s going to be about (tolerating someone instead of loving them). Or tolerating pain?
First Thoughts: It’s about her mom? No…is this the other side of illicit affairs?? This sounds like its from a movie omg that’s so ducking sad.
Thoughts Now: I think of Princess Diana when I think of this song. It was the clear choice for track 5 and I think every girl in the world has related to this song at least once. Apparently the book “Rebecca” inspired it. I really have to be in a mood to listen to this one. The line “now I’m fighting for footnotes in the story of your life” is just a giant stab to the heart.
No Body, No Crime:
Prediction: HAIM sisters omg!! I didn’t even know they were still friends but I’m thrilled they are. I want a yee-haw, murdering my husband country anthem.
First Thoughts: I hope it’s like “Goodbye Earl”. OOO NEW PERSPECTIVE. ITS COUNTRY. I need to tell Autumn about the Olive Garden line. Typical country song. Like bluegrass. Huge fan.
Thoughts Now: WHAT A JAM! I can think of at least 3 true crime documentaries or podcasts Taylor probably watched before writing this song, and that’s on being a crime junkie/murderino. I love how country it is and how it’s about MURDER!!! I mean revenge. Taylor wrote this one all by herself and truly went back to her roots for this one. What a bop.
Prediction: Why do I feel like this song is NOT about happiness??
First Thoughts: Above the trees? Like “seven“? New me? “All Too Well”? OH SHIT. Happiness. Abuse??? GATSBY!! This should have been track 5. Omg the story this tells. Why did I think I would be happy? This is a song that I didn’t know I needed.
Thoughts Now: I have recently learned about a theory that Taylor wrote this song for her best friend Abigail and that gives me such new appreciation. This has to be the most mature break-up song I’ve ever heard. I love the Gatsby references and the bridge and especially the verses “I pulled your body into mine every goddamn night now I get fake niceties// no one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you and you know you hurt him too”. RIP MY HEART OUT TAYLOR!
Prediction: Probably going to be like “betty”! Taylor said that in her mind, Dorothea, Betty and James all went to the same high school. I hope it’s not sad. Dorothea is a beautiful name.
First Thoughts: Just like Betty! Did Joe write this? This album is telling me to move out. Reminds me of a Rascal Flatts song. Are there are good guys like this? Taylor said “y’all thought I was singing about a girl, pshh no way”. Omg it’s in a small town. Texas or Kansas? This makes me feel like it takes place in the 60s? The line “never too late” reminds me of Innocent from Speak Now. What is a Tupelo?
Thoughts Now: What an adorable, happy song. Apparently Dorothea is the girl in “’tis the damn season“. I just love this perspective of a good, genuine boy singing about the girl he will always love. This song may be inspired by Selena which is cool. Also, I had to look up that Tupelo is in Mississippi.
Coney Island:
Prediction: This is either a really sad song or a song about a happy memory song. Maybe like “august” part 2?
First Thoughts: Is this about family? Is this from a parents point of view? No… it’s from a wife’s perspectives. Hints of marriage. Okay maybe Taylor is married. Aaron and Taylor’s voices sound great. It sounds like a failing marriage song.
Thoughts Now: So I don’t think this is Aaron, I think it’s his brother that sings. But so cool to have The National on this one! I love that Taylor threw in parts of her old lyrics about her previous relationships. That just adds such another dimension to this song! The second I heard “when I walked up to the podium I think that I forgot to say your name” I screamed CALCIUM! I have a new appreciation for The National. This song is slowly growing on me.
Prediction: Poison Ivy? Why am I thinking of “Don’t Blame Me“?
First Thoughts: This reminds me of “invisible string”? This sounds like a folklore story from years ago. Ooo chorus is cute. It sounds old, like it takes place in the past!! Such classic Taylor lyrics. Can she ever just say what something is without making it a riddle lol? It’s medieval? I love all the cursing in this album.
Thoughts Now: One of my favorites! So I think it’s about a widow feeling like she’s cheating on her husband when she finds someone else? I love all the ‘goddamns’ and the poetry in this song. Apparently “I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bone” is about a graveyard but of course Taylor would never just flat out say that. And that’s what I love about this song.
Cowboy Like Me:
Prediction: Yee haw Taylor here we come! I am fully expecting a fast-tempo, mega country song with fun jabs and hilarious metaphors in it.
First Thoughts: Oh this is slow! Dancing? Is this old western times? No wait, it’s current times. Very Kacey Musgraves sounding. I need to dive into the lyrics of this song later. What does it take to be a cowboy? I’d like to apply please. So did she lock it down?
Thoughts Now: What a gem of a song! I love the idea of two con artists falling for each other. If anyone wants to write a story about this, I would gladly read it. It’s a very smooth song and even though it’s not my go-to when listening to the album, I really like this song.
Long Story Short
Prediction: This is going to be a cute song. The concept of “long story short” seems very nonchalant and like you’re poking fun at yourself.
First Thoughts: Oh this is fun. OMG ITS ABOUT REPUTATION. CALCIUM?! KANYE?? KARLIE?? Oh there is a theme of ‘peace’. This is a very cute song. Reminds me of “I Forgot That You Existed”.
Thoughts Now: This may be one of my favorite bridges she’s ever written. It feels so pop that this song could have been on Lover but I love the lines “Past me, I want to tell you not to get lost in these petty things // your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing”. I could have used this message many times over in my life and I love the imagery in this song.
Prediction: Marjorie is her grandmother’s name! She was an opera singer and I am so excited to hear a song that she wrote for her grandma.
First Thoughts: OH THESE LYRICS. Omg the videos!!! Ahhhh! Awwwwww. This is so cute. I’m crying. These pictures omg. Omg I can’t handle this. I’m so moved. I can’t type I’m crying. THE HOME VIDEOS. She wears winged eyeliner like Taylor.
Thoughts Now: I adore this song! I cry every time I hear “all your closets of back log dreams and how you left them all to me”. Imagine how proud Marjorie would be of Taylor! I’m crying again. This song also makes me think of my Nana.
Prediction: If the end of this album is anything like folklore, this is going to be a sad, slow song about never getting closure.
First Thoughts: It’s fast pace!! Didn’t expect that! So many break up songs. Not that I’m complaining. TEAR INTO HIM TAYLOR. It feels very short. But I dig it? OOO YES BITCH! Go at him. There is a lot going on in this song.
Thoughts Now: It’s weird that this is the Taylor Swift song I relate to most in recent years. Let me reiterate what Taylor is saying in this song, because I have definitely felt it- people only want closure for themselves. And you usually get over things before you ever get an apology. This is a weird sounding song with the pots and pans sound at the beginning. But it’s catchy and I relate to it and I dig it.
Prediction: I keep thinking this album is happy because of the line “you and me for evermore” in “New Year’s Day” on reputation. I hope this is a happy song. It would be a nice change from “hoax” on folklore.
First Thoughts: It already sounds like exile. I like her voice in this. SO ITS SAD? It’s a sad song. Omg I thought it would be happy I’m boo boo the fool. This is about depression? In quarantine? Awww. Like this is me trying? Wait Bon Iver over doesn’t really fit in this song? I didn’t expect that change. But their voices sound so good together? I don’t know what this is about. It’s like “hoax”. I’m confused.
Thoughts Now: This song has grown on me the most on the whole album. I used to think Bon Iver’s part was weird but I actually love the key change and I love the lyrics. I think a lot of people needed this song. It’s a very nice conclusion to the album but not my favorite.
INCREDIBLE ALBUM! There are so many songs that I am just so obsessed with. I think I like this album better than folklore…but I’m not sure if that’s because I had a better idea of what to expect because of folklore or not. I am so glad Taylor gave us all of these new songs. I’ve been listening nonstop and it fills me with so much joy how often I talk to my friends about our favorite songs and what we think each song means. I had barely processed folklore and now I have to wrap my head around all these other songs? Ok! Here is my current ranking of songs as of December 14th:

We still have the bonus tracks to listen to! I heard bits and pieces of them but I have not gotten my physical album yet so I have not given those songs the time and dedication they deserve. Maybe I’ll update this post when I do.
What do you think of evermore? Comment below- I would love to know which is your favorite song!
Thanks for reading! xx