blondes have more fun, but brunettes remember it the next day
Bye-bye blonde! A few months ago back in October, I used Overtone conditioner to dye my hair a deep espresso brown. I loved it! I’ve been meaning to do an Overtone review for months now. I took so many fun blog photos with my brunette hair. Do blondes really have more fun? I’m not completely convinced anymore. Here are my Kim Thoughts on using Overtone conditioner and details of my washing out process.
I was getting super tired of my long hair and wanted a change. I’ve never dyed my hair before, and I figured now was a good time because we’re in a panorama and I don’t have to go into the office. Plus, there was so much potential for Kimberkopys! I have a few friends who have tried Overtone before (shoutout to Peyton and Cori for your Overtone wisdom) which is why I bought this brand when I was looking for temporary dye. When I first did this, I thought it was ‘temporary’. But that’s not true- it’s semi-permanent. There is a difference. And the fact that it lasted a while is both a good and bad thing.
Application and Color:
It was so fun to be brunette for a few weeks! I have always wondered how I would look because I’ve always been blonde. Overtone smells super minty and great. I was worried it would smell like chemicals but it was very enjoyable to apply. I used gloves to slap it onto my hair. I’ve never done anything like this before so I didn’t even know it was best to section off my hair until my friend Cori told me I should. I left it on for twenty minutes and then washed it out in the shower (no shampoo). My shower was pretty messy after that first wash. I slept on a towel just in case of my staining, but no stains got on the towel since I dried my hair before bed.
The Washing Out Process:
The Overtone color faded from my hair every time I showered. I usually wash my hair every 2-3 days but by November, I was washing my hair basically every night because I was working out a lot. Also by that point, I just wanted to go back to my normal color. I did not reapply the Overtone to my hair again after the first application. My hair was a gorgeous dark brown for the first 2 weeks and then faded to a medium/light brown by weeks 3 and 4. By week 5, my hair was like a dirty blonde with shades of pink and orange mixed in. But eventually, my hair did return to is natural color in less than 2 months.
Timeline of the Process:
- September 22nd: Overtone ordered
- September 30th: Overtone arrived
- October 19th: Overtone applied to hair (see Tiktok)
- (Roughly) December 10th: Overtone completely washed out of hair with some left over brassiness
Here is a Photo Diary of the Overtone washing out of my hair:

October 20th: the morning after. I was literally so obsessed with her

This is after the first wash. A lot of brown washed out in the shower and I got some stains on this sweatshirt from my wet hair. But the color held really well.

October 26: This is after 2 more washes. Getting a little lighter but the color still holding well. Definitely not as much color washing out like the first two times.

November 7th: I don’t think I was tracking how many times I was washing my hair by this point. But you can see it was now a light brown and tones of pink and orange in the front.

November 9th: Here’s a better look of the light brown. My hair is slowly returning to her natural color, but the super blonde parts were orange and pink.

November 17th: More like a light brown/dirty blonde with tones of pink in the front.

December 2nd: Pretty close to being back to normal but still very orange in the front. This was my least favorite stage of the whole process.

December 12: A lovely picture of my long hair wrapped around a water bottle. My hair color is pretty much back to normal by this point but my roots look horrible!

December 26th: My hair is pretty much back to blonde. There was some left over brassiness in the front, but I think that is because I have used Sun Bum Hair Lightening Spray for the past two years during the summer.
Be warned- this stuff get’s everywhere! My poor shower! I was scrubbing stains off my bathtub for days. It eventually came out but it wasn’t pretty. My wet hair also stained a few sweatshirts but those did wash out just fine. stained my shower pretty bad, when I had wet hair it would drip on sweatshirts. Of course it all washes out but beware!
Would I Do It Again?
I honestly cannot wait to use Overtone again. This was a great first hair-dying experience. I would recommend Overtone to any one of my friends. It may not work for every hair color, but if you’re blonde like me and you want to switch up your hair temporarily, try Overtone! It’s even worked on some of my friends’ brown hair too.
The one downfall to Overtone that is preventing me from trying it again is how long it takes to fully wash out. I did not like when my hair was orange/pink for those few weeks. My hair is still a little brassy on the front parts just because of a weird mix of the Overtone and hydrogen peroxide I usually put in my hair over the summer. But overall, I can’t wait to try the rose gold and purple shades of Overtone one day soon. Or maybe I’ll go brown again.

Have you used Overtone before? I would love to hear what you think. Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx