So it turns out that once you have a place of your own, you develop a never ending list of items you want to buy, but keep rationalizing why you don’t need them. I have lived in my apartment since June and while I would love certain items in my apartment, I am also aware that I have survived this long without these items, and I can still do without. But a girl can dream. Some of these things are fun! Some of these are not so fun. But they are practical. I do think that all of these items would improve my apartment (and my life) but I need to looking for sales and start convincing myself to actually pull the trigger. So here are some things I still want for my apartment.
Nespresso Machine: When I watched my friend Ashley’s house last year, I became with her Nespresso Machine! I swear, it’s magic and I would love to have one in my apartment. I currently have a Keurig from college but that does not scratch the item.
Vacuum: I have these beautiful hardwood floors that I usually just sweep with a brook. But now I have carpets everywhere so I think I need a good vacuum that can go from carpet to hardwood floors with ease.
Air Fryer: Having an air fryer can go one of two ways: either you hardly ever use it, or you use it for everything. I usually dog sit for this family that has one and I love making full on meals with it. Also- chocolate chip cookie dough in the air fryer is my favorite thing ever!
Record Player: This would fit the vibe of my apartment so well! I love going to my friends’s houses and listening to their record players. I need to learn how to use one first…
Crockpot: Soup season is officially upon us and I want to be that person this fall that leaves a soup in the crockpot for the whole day, and then come home to it later. What a dream!
Swiffer: Self-explanatory just like the vacuum. My apartment gets dusty.
Rolling Chair: My brother and his partners just give me an old desk of theirs for my apartment and it has helped my WFH space so much. I just need to start organizing it and decorating it. And I really want a pink rolling chair to go with it too.
European Square Pillow: I was a big dumb idiot the other day and I accidentally bought a shame pillow case that is set to fit a European Square pillow. I honestly thought I was ordering a sham for a itty bitty pillow! So now I need to order this big ass pillow.
Thanks for reading! xx