I had the pleasure of visiting my favorite Chicagoan last weekend. Peyton really brought out all the stops for me and it was enchanting (just like her hair). I took off a couple days of work fly out there for a fall-tastic weekend and everything was awesome so here is a photo dump!

This Auggie- Peyton’s sweet baby boy. (He is huge).

This is going to sound so dumb but Trader Joe’s in Maryland don’t carry alcohol, so I made Peyton take me to the promise land.

Cheese board and wine night while watching Killing Eve

Peyton made brunch the next morning

I finally took off the tips I got in Colorado. I did traditional black polish with a matte overcoat.

We took an architecture boat tour around the city!

I am still just so obsessed with Peyton’s hair

It rained on us while we were on the boat tour, but it’s fine. We were thrilled as you can see.

Then for dinner we met up with some of Peyton’s wonderful friends at Porter’s.

The next day we woke up early to run the Abbott 5k in downtown Chicago

Got to see a lot of cool landmarks in the city!

Pretty proud of myself for running even with a nasty case of ‘runner’s heel’

Then later that day we went to the Field Museum for the Chicago Beer Festival

This is me, Peyton, Peyton’s boyfriend Eric and his best friend Travis. And our dinosaur friend Sue.

And then, after staying out until 2am, I passed out on Peyton’s boyfriend’s couch. Here is his cat Nimbus watching over me.

baby’s first dim sum!
Thank you to my dove Peyton for taking such good care of me this weekend! Can’t wait to go visit again. See you at Christmas in Clarksville my darling!
Thanks for reading xx