Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!
Story time! I love making holiday movie recreations for Christmas. For the last two years, I did two looks from Martha May Whovier from “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. The Grinch is definitely my favorite Christmas movie and I had every intention of doing another outfit recreation from that movie… until the outfit I ordered came in and didn’t fit. Such is life! But with only a few days left before Christmas, I thought to myself “hmmm… what movie could I do instead”? And as it turns out, I already everything I needed to do a Cousin Eddie recreation at my parent’s house. “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” happens to be my dad’s favorite Christmas movie and I didn’t have to buy a thing! Hope you enjoy this #Kimberkopy!

Here’s my reference picture! Found it on Pinterest.

What You Need To Recreate This Costume:
- White Robe
- Hat With Ear Flaps
- Black Tall Socks
- Black Loafers
- A Hose
- A Cigar
- A Beer

I borrowed my twin brother’s favorite hat for this- thanks Chris!

Of course, while I was taking these photos in my parent’s front yard, at least 5 of my neighbors decided to walk by or move their car and ask me what I was doing. Love that for me.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!