Let me start by saying I have never had an original idea in my entire life. I definitely got this idea while on Tiktok. I saw a lot of people are saying 2022 is going to be their ‘reputation’ year. And I love that concept, but I feel like I had my ‘reputation’ year back in 2017. And that was a very bitter and confusing time for me. I correspond that album with pettiness, revenge and finding love… and those are not on my to-do list this year. But to each their own! reputation is one of my favorite albums and absolutely slaps. But I saw another video of a girl saying she was going to have a ‘folklore’ year instead, and that really spoke to me. So I wanted to dive into that and spill some ink on the blog.
Right before this album dropped (surprise dropped, might I add), I had no idea what to expect and that made me so nervous. Taylor Swift doing an indie/folk album? What does that look like? But of course, I trust Taylor and I ended up loving this album. It’s a similar feeling at the beginning of a new year. I don’t know what to expect, I’m a little nervous. but it’ll probably be good.
I look back on the time when ‘folklore’ first came out and I smile. Not a huge smile. We were still in a global pandemonium. That is probably horrible to say, but I know summer of 2020 was not the worst of this pandemic. This album takes me back to that time and as weird and scary and uncertain as that time was, I almost want to go back. Almost!
When I think of ‘folklore’, I think back to the height of the pandemic in 2020. As scary as that time was, by summer of 2020 when this album came out, I think of that time as one of hope and peacefulness. Back in 2019, my mental health was not in a good place. 2020 allowed me to regroup and recharge. Some time alone (and an awesome therapist) really helped me get to a better place. In 2020 I was spending a lot of my time in my house with my parents or by myself. I was taking a lot of walks. I was trying to get creative with photos. I was trying a lot of new things. I had just started pet sitting for the first time. I was trying to make the best of what I had in the moment. I knew things would eventually change and go ‘back to normal’. As much as I looked forward to that, I tried my best to be at peace with what was currently happening.

As I’m typing this up I’m watching “Folklore: Long Pond Sessions” on Disney+. All day today I’ve been listening to my first vinyl record, which happens to be ‘folklore’. I wouldn’t classify ‘folklore’ as one of my top 3 albums of Taylor’s but the more I think about it… maybe it is? I love writing about this album and making blog posts about it. This is one of my favorite blog posts I’ve ever written. So maybe it is! The premise for the album, the photoshoot, the surprise drop, the new sound, THE STORYTELLING… I love it all. But that’s not why I am choosing this album to symbolize my year. I’m choosing to have a ‘folklore’ year because it is what is best for me right now.
Here are some lessons from each song I want to remember this year:
- the 1: move on from things not meant for you
- cardigan: forgive yourself as quickly as you forgive other people
- the last great american dynasty: stop caring what others think of you
- exile: don’t repeat the same mistakes
- my tears ricochet: do what is best for you
- mirrorball: be your true self, not what everyone wants you to be
- seven: connect with your inner child
- august: embrace where you are and whats happening, even if its temporary
- this is me trying: just try your best
- illicit affairs: not everything needs to be shared
- invisible string: trust the timing of your life
- mad woman: don’t let people gaslight you
- epiphany: check in with yourself constantly
- betty: there is no shame in not knowing everything
- peace: make your inner peace a priority
- hoax: it’s okay to be vulnerable
- the lakes: escape when you need to
Some Other Thoughts To Take With Me Away From This Album
Don’t announce everything. Be private. Mind your business. Find solace in nature and taking things at a slower pace. Try new things. Feel your feelings. Do things that would make your inner child happy. Keep trying. Go outside more. Let your hair go natural. Take film photos. Wear big sweaters. Dwell in your creative outlets. Don’t dwell on the things you can’t control. Exist on your own. Choose peace.
Also… I need to grow my hair out again. That middle part was a MOMENT.
Are you having a ‘folklore’ year? What do these songs mean to you? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading!