“Bad things happen in three’s.”
Am I the only one who believes this? I feel like it’s an old saying that I have definitely heard my mom and my friend’s mom say over and over again. (You may also be thinking ‘when it rains, it pours!’) It’s funny because while I have always been aware of the phrase, I didn’t start to truly believe it until recently. I have been experiencing an insane amount of bad luck since… March? Or at least that is when I started to notice it. The other day I made a list of unfortunate things I was going through and the list looked like this:
- Eye infection
- Getting rear-ended by a Baltimore city bus
- BWI losing my luggage twice
- Falling off a bike
- Another eye infection
- Getting COVID
- Going to the ER after pulling a muscle in my ‘hoohah’ from coughing too aggressively
- A cyst on my eye that won’t go away
- Hive reaction to antibiotics
Notice how those are 9 THINGS!!! Bad things happen in three’s! Which leads me to beg the question: WHEN DO THE BAD THINGS STOP? Listen – I can roll with the punches just as well as the next guy. I like to think my sense of humor is what carries me through difficult or unfortunate times (see ‘jaw surgery’ as an example). But I feel like I can’t catch a frigging break!
What’s frustrating me right now is that these ‘event’s are constant and consistent things that are out of my control. And I know… my mom always tells me ‘it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you deal with it’. WELL I’M TIRED OF DEALING WITH IT!!!
Am I putting out bad energy in the world? Is this karma? I’m starting to think I need to start going to church again… or just plunge into a bath of Holy Water. Whatever does the job! I’m not picky! If you have recommendations, hit me up! (But please don’t actually hit me… I am fragile).
Maybe I will do some sort of ceremony or sage or ritual or SOMETHING to cleanse the bad energy in my life. This post is mainly a rant and a diary entry built into one, but thanks for reading! Hope your life is going better than mine!