How lucky am I that I get to say I’ve been to Red Rocks Amphitheater two times now!?! I actually consider myself lucky because I have amazing friends like Melissa and Jordan who allow me to crash at their apartment for random week in August so we can all hang out (and I can threaten to kidnap their cat, Yonce). And even though I worked from home every day (despite the 2 hour time difference) it was absolutely amazing. We hiked, ate great food, drank some dank drinks, went to see The Chicks at Red Rocks and I definitely trauma dumped on them at some point. But that is what friends are for. Here is my long anticipated Denver photo dump.
My Favorite Places To Go In Denver, CO:
- Avanti
- Happy Camper
- Postino
- Red Rocks Ampitheater
- Snooze
- Tattered Covers Bookstore

You know I will always find Giant Jenga where ever I am.

Postino has to be my absolute favorite place in Denver now. Their Monday deal is unmatched.

Big shoutout to Melissa for letting me borrow her top and boots for this look! I randomly threw it together the day before the concert and I was so so happy with hour it turned out.

Everyone’s outfit was fire

Seeing The Chicks live was such a holy experience. I am so happy I was able to go to this concert.

You better believe we always end up at Happy Camper when we’re all in Denver.

I took Thursday off work so we could go hiking at Jody’s Loop in Frisco!

I ended up pushing my flight back a few hours so I could spend more time with everyone. We stopped by Tattered Cover Bookstore before everyone dropped me off at the airport.


Thank you a million times over to Jordan and Melissa for housing me, feeding me and inviting me out to see them! Love you both! I cannot wait until I get to visit again!
Thanks for reading! xx