Behold! My first gift guide of the year! Yes, I am starting them early. But I know so many people are already gearing up for the holidays and this year we are all being proactive! I kind of dropped the ball on gift guides last year, so I figure if I start early this year, I can at least make 3. Our first gift guide is centered on “the friend who just moved out”. As someone who only moved out from her parent’s house last year, I had so much fun making this guide. I hope that even if you don’t have any friends who just moved, you can at least find some goodies to add to your own Christmas list!
If your friend just moved far away from home, consider getting them a dish towel with their home city on it! Useful and great for kitchen decorating. I included this seashell pillow on this list because I have one and I love it, but I also think any quirky throw pillow makes a great gift. A canvas tote bag is so useful if you live in a city and this bag from LL Bean is also customizable! And although I kill everything green that I touch, I do own this disco ball hanging planter.
I also own this “Now Playing” record holder and I love it. I feel like people never have enough wine/bottle stoppers so this disco ball stopper or this banana stopper would be really thoughtful gifts. If you don’t have a nightlight in your apartment, I am afraid of you. I stole the family nightlight from my parents house when I moved out and it is always on in my bathroom. Seriously, everyone needs a nightlight. And a quirky/silly oven mitt is a really cute gift. So many of my friends love cats and would love this in their kitchen.
I am a firm believer that you can never have too many coasters in your home. And these gorgeous coasters from Anthro are on sale! My friends know how obsessed I am with Scrub Daddy, but you’ll need to catch onto the Scrub Mommy!!!! Seriously the best sponge ever. This next gift can be a hit or miss, but I thought these bathmats were too cute not to include.
I know I have friends who are going to read this and be like “omg Kim, why are you including a lanyard in this post” and the truth is, I have been PRO lanyard since I was a freshman in college. One of my best friends, Peyton, gave me this Birthdate candle which I am absolutely obsessed with!
If you life in a city and you go to concerts and sports games where you can’t bring bags in, a small card holder is a lifesaver. I got my friend one of these book stamps for her at-home library last year, and personally I would love one (if I didn’t need to put myself on a book buying ban). My mom’s best friend (who I loving call ‘Jewish Mommy’) got me a teapot when I first moved into my own apartment and I use it all the time! And finally, I absolutely love these scalloped towels. They look so soft!
Thrift It!
This is a section I am adding to every gift guide of mine. I am so big on shopping secondhand and I think you can get a lot of really great home decor and necessary kitchen items from the thrift store. Other gifts that would be wonderful for the friend who just moved out that you can thrift would be:
- A picture frame (put a picture of you two together in it!)
- Vintage coup glasses (always so cheap and so sturdy!)
Who else are you shopping for this holiday season? Comment below!
Thanks for reading! xx