I have been keeping a running list in my phone of things I am happy I did in 2022. Maybe this post was also inspired by the “2022 Eras” trend that I saw on Tiktok (and yes I made a video for). I could sit here and think of all of my resolutions I made at the start of this year and check off everything I did or didn’t do. But honestly, that makes me feel like a failure. I know I didn’t hit every goal, but that does not mean I did not have a fantastic year. I am both pleased and proud of the year I had and wanted to share some key changes I noticed.
- Took more ‘in the moment’ photos and less planned photoshoots. I see both pros and cons to this. Instagram is definitely heading towards a more casual feel, but I love doing outrageous photoshoots. I hope in 2023 I can do more!
- Dated NOT Using Dating Apps. The biggest ‘flings’ I had this year started in person (at a concert and a party) so it was cool to know that real life dating and meeting someone still exists! It had the same result for me as online dating (as in more stories to tell my friends and no one to bring home for the holidays) but at least we know it is possible.
- Tried new gyms/work outs. I have not done this since 2019! I want to make a whole blog post about the different workouts (other than my coveted OrangeTheory) that I tried this year. But I forgot how fun it is to switch it up!
- Solidified my side hustle. Can you believe that in the beginning of 2022 I said I wanted to pull back on pet sitting?! Can you imagine?! Actually yes, I can, because I recently realized that when I am stressed, feel like I am missing out or overpack my schedule, I forget how much I actually enjoy pet sitting. Wild concept right?! Not only is the extra income wonderful, I love spending time with these furry creatures, getting to live and work in a new place and becoming an extension of these families. It’s an honor that these families trust me with their fur children and in their homes. I used to think I was just pet sitting because I have a problem saying no (which I still do!) but I have come to be very thankful for this side hustle. I hope to continue in 2023.
- Learned to embrace what I have and not run out and buy something new. In the spring, I realized I needed to pull back on my spending. So this year was a lesson in “waiting until I 1000% run out of my favorite moisturizer” or “really making sure my broken hair brush doesn’t really work anymore”. We learned to stretch what we have and not immediately run to target to replace things. I think I needed this lesson. Also, I learned that if I need anything, I need to check my parent’s house first. They have an entire garage full of junk!
- Practiced saying “no” (when going out)This is going to sound so weird, but I am so proud of all the times I did not go out drinking. My friend Jesse used to say “heaven help the person who crosses a Moseman in a bad mood”. There were a handful of times this year that I practiced saying “no” to the people who love me most, understand me and just want me to be happy. And it was great. Next step: learning to say no and set boundaries with people who are less than understanding.
- Understood my ‘take-out’ habits – in the sense that I don’t have much. I don’t really go out to eat. Which sounds great for my cholesterol and wallet, but often I feel like I miss out on experiencing food, especially in Baltimore. And then when my friends visit me, I never know where to take them to eat because I always go to the same 4 places. I don’t want to make a goal for 2023, eat out more, but I think it would be a fun thing to do to try new restaurants with friends.
- Understood my TV habits – in the sense that I hardly ever watch TV so don’t ask me because I will lie. “Hey Kim, did you see the season finale of SHOW?” “Umm… of course!” “Awesome! What did you think of the winner?” “….I was surprised….” I have legit had this conversation 5 times this year. I have FOMO but I do not watch TV. Please don’t ask me about TV.
- Prioritized memories over material items. When it comes to where I put my money this year, I definitely chose plane tickets and concert tickets over new clothes and home items. This is a huge change from during the pandemic when I couldn’t leave my house, didn’t have rent to pay and mainly bought new clothes to pass the time. But I feel like this change symbolizes personal growth.
- Ate more green foods. I had this goal at the beginning of the year to always incorporate something green into each one of my meals, and I think I stuck with it. Go Kim!
- Learned the importance of good shoes. 2022 was the year all of my favorite shoes clunked out on me. I tend to wear all of my shoes into the ground and destroy them, but I always wait to get new ones. This year I learned that having comfortable and stylish shoes is a must for me.
- Took more fashion risks. So I am not a maximalist or a fashionista, and I work from home so 90% of the time I am in a sweatshirt and leggings, but this year I tried to spice up my wardrobe when it came to going out with friends and going to concerts. And it was so fun. I love it when someone compliments my outfit, so I definitely want to continue this trend in 2023.
- Made new friends. I’ve heard that it is very hard to make friends when you’re an adult. But this year, I was able to make new friends through old friends and reconnect with old friends. This is one of my favorite things of 2022.
- Learned to listen to the universe when it is trying to tell me something. Look I am all for this “lucky girl” mentality I’ve been seeing on Tiktok, but there was an entire 4 month span in 2022 where I was having the worst luck ever. And at the time, I didn’t think it was because I had a crush on a boy, but now that is all the reasoning I need to rationalize why all of that happened to me. Nothing good has ever happened to me in my life while I have actively liked a boy. I’m not kidding. This traces all the way back to high school when I liked a boy and got head lice. So what have we learned?
To stop liking boys? MAYBE!Or maybeI just need to listen to what the universe telling me to stop doing when I get 2 eye infections, hit by a bus and COVID. I got so many signs… and I just chose to believe it was bad luck. - Embraced living in the moment. The amount of times I sporadically decided to meet with friends for trivia, or sit on my couch and read a book instead of being productive is a lot! While I worry this means that I have been lacking discipline in my life, I have felt like I have been doing things for “in the moment” bliss rather than working on my long term goals. That is why I was not the best blogger this year, but I hope to find better balance this year!
I hope you had a wonderful 2022! Cheers to the new year and more self discoveries!
Thanks for reading! xx