Confession: the first time I listened to this album, I was not a fan. I know- can you believe it?! Thankfully the album has grown on me a lot and I am looking forward to singing some of these songs at the Eras Tour this summer! But I always like to be transparent about what I think of Taylor’s albums when they come out, so here are my first thoughts, current thoughts and favorite lines for Midnights.
Lavender Haze
First Thoughts: Omg it’s like a club beat. It’s groovy? Omg she’s calling out rumors. Sounds so retro. I think this is exactly what I expected the album to sound like.
Current Thoughts: One of my favorites, especially now that the music video is out. I never give the first songs on the album much credit but I really like this song. I love that she calls out how everyone expects her to be a bride.
Favorite Line: Get it off your chest, GET IT OFF MY DESKKKKK
First Thoughts: Ok this is already faster than I thought. Same sort of sound as the first song. Omg closest friend? Friends to Lovers? Wait I feel like this is almost relatable. This is so pop omg. Reminds me of Lover and reputation. Another love song ugh. Or is it? SAYING FUCK- YES UGH SPICY.
Current Thoughts: This is actually one of my least favorites on the album. Sorry to anyone who really loves this song. I think it was written during the RED era because of all the red colors in it, but I am just not a huge fan of the sound.
Favorite Line: That’s a real fucking legacy
First Thoughts: I already love it. Omg depression. Omg ghosts. A bop. My favorite song already. I can’t wait to drive around to this. Sexy baby omg what even? She uses such big words sometimes. Tea Time lol she is so British. Omg super low voice. She sounds British in this song.
Current Thoughts: My original thoughts were correct. And I think this song is even more fun and clever than I originally thought. Still a top played song for me months after the album came out.
Favorite Line: I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I’ll watch as you’re leaving and life will lose all it’s meaning
Snow On The Beach
First Thoughts: This sounds happy?? Very 70s. Sounds like a snowglobe. Omg that hook is awesome. Is Lana just background? Reminds me a little delicate. Does sound like young and beautiful. I like the outro.
Current Thoughts: I saw someone say on Twitter that Dylan O’Brien on the drums made more noise than Lana. And that sums it up. This song is sweet and airy and like walking around in a snow globe, but I don’t play it often.
Favorite Line: Can this be a real thing, can it?
You’re On Your Own Kid
First Thoughts: This is already more upbeat than I thought. Omg is this like august? Wait, if this is the most relatable to me I’m gonna be mad. Shoot. It’s relatable. OMG is this her childhood?? This is not what I expected. Omg the bridge ahhhh omg wait it’s kind of happy at the end. I can’t wait to see the visual for this one. This is a track 5?
Current Thoughts: Not my favorite track 5, but I do love this song. The fact that she made it a track 5 shows how powerful and meaningful this song is.
Favorite Line: I hosted parties and starved my body like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss
Midnight Rain
First Thoughts: THIS SCARED ME. Is this her singing???? Jump scare. Omg too electronic. My ears are ringing. Not a fan. Nope not a fan.
Current Thoughts: Hahahah I stand by the fact that this song was originally a jump scare, but now I absolutely love it. I would like to think I am also midnight rain and I love this perspective for Taylor. Very cool sound and great lyrics.
Favorite Line: He wanted a bride, I was making my own name
First Thoughts: This whole album is so electronic. Reminds me of rep. I love when she says “fucking”. Omg that chorus. Damn. Idk what this is about but men are trash. Dick head hahaah. Reminds me of Carly Rae. Not a huge fan of the chorus rn. This will be fun to sing at a concert.
Current Thoughts: Don’t hate me… this song is at the bottom of my list now. I just think about the “ohs” during the chorus and it gives me an ick. Although I can relate to the “dickhead” and “ever had someone kiss you in a crowded room and every single one of your friends was making fun of you”. Very Harry Styles coded.
Favorite Line: Have you ever had someone kiss you in a crowded room? And every single one of your friends was making fun of you?
Vigilante Shit
First Thoughts: OMG FEMME FATALE. Omg like rep. Yessssssss STOPPP I LOVE THISSSS omg revenge song yes yes SHE??? Ex wife???? THIS IS SO GAYYY omg I can’t wait to see the music video. LADIESSSSS let’s fucking go. Favorite one. So much different and it’s the best one.
Current Thoughts: So clever! I love everything this song stands for and how it’s basically about Scooter and his wife. I love a female empowerment/female rage song. I don’t listen to this often, but it is so fun. Very up my alley. Do not mess with Taylor Swift.
Favorite Line: Don’t get sad, get even
First Thoughts: What in the Mario?? Ooooo zinger. I like this one. It’s cheeky. Very Gatsby. I love shiny things too, Taylor. This just sounds so expensive.
Current Thoughts: I love this song!!!! Especially now that I can understand the meaning about it. It is both her leaving a no-good man behind but also her return to pop music. This sounds like it is about Calvin. I used to just vibe with the song but there is actually so much meaning in these lyrics, that I like it even more now.
Favorite Line: Putting someone first only works if you’re in their top five
First Thoughts: Sounds sad. Was that a trumpet? This is like epiphany. Oh there’s the line from her NYU speech. Haha omg relatable. Oh no I’m falling in love. Sounds like an interlude. Sounds like a Bleachers song. I can’t understand the lyrics but omg poor Taylor. There’s that deep Taylor voice from the other song again.
Current Thoughts: I never listen to this song, but I am glad she included more of a ballad. And it really fits the vibe and message of the album. But it’s not my thing.
Favorite Line: Uh-oh, I’m falling in love
First Thoughts: This is too cheery for karma, especially when I thought it would be an ode to the missing TS6 rock album. Omg the chorus is so good hahahahah this is so clever. This is so petty haha I love it. I love the meaning of this song. It’s about time she made a song like this.
Current Thoughts: THIS SONG IS SO FUN! Absolutely the song of the summer. I love this for her and I love to dance to this song.
Favorite Line: Karma’s on your scent like a bounty hunter
Sweet Nothing
First Thoughts: This already sounds like a track 5. Sounds like INTHAF. Sounds old time-y. Another love song (go figure). Awww this reminds me of an old married couple.
Current Thoughts: One of my favorite songs on the album! I daydream about a love where someone doesn’t ask anything of you, and just wants you. This song is so sweet and absolute goals. Reminds me of New Years Day.
Favorite Line: To you I can admit, that I’m just to soft for all of it
First Thoughts: Stranger things??? This is a love album. It has to be. This is the song they play at the end of the rom com. Omg I love this.
Current Thoughts: Another favorite and there is that one line that is oh so relatable. I love how she goes from talking about invisible strings in folklore, to being like “actually this is all according to plan”. This is such a good pop song.
Favorite Line: No one wanted to play with me as a little kid, so I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since, to make them love me and make it seem effortless
3am Version
The Great War
First thoughts: Definitely a bonus track. Reminds me of long story short with the battle vibe. Not sure how this fits into the whole message of the album.
Current Thoughts: One of my favorite 3am tracks! Great sound and very pop. I can tell Jack had a hand in this one.
Favorite Line: Somewhere in a haze, got a sense I’d been betrayed
Bigger Than The Whole Sky
First Thoughts: Should have been track five. Is this about death? She mentions another 3 am in the chorus? Are they connected?
Current Thoughts: The fact that people are relating this song to miscarriages is heart breaking. It’s like a new Ronan song. Absolutely beautiful but I cannot listen to it often.
Favorite Line: I’ve got a lot to pine about, I’ve got a lot to live without
First Thoughts: This is fun! So many good lines. But I don’t like how she rhymes Paris with “where else”.
Current Thoughts: I hate happy people. Just kidding. This song is camp. This song is fun. I don’t normally play it but I like that its a TikTok trend.
Favorite Line: I want to brainwash you into loving me forever.
High Infidelity
First Thoughts: What in the video game??? WAIT -THIS IS ABOUT 2016. Omg walking down the aisle. This has to be about Calvin. I like this sound and melody.
Current Thoughts: I definitely liked this song more when the album first came out. The title is clever but this song is not a “go-to” on the album.
Favorite Line: Put on your records and regret me
First Thoughts: This one is for the False God fans. She says “glitch” very sexily. This song is so gay. Guys who give nothing haha. Relatable. Ooo accapella.
Current Thoughts: A bit of a throwaway song, but I don’t hate it.
Favorite Line: I’m not even sorry
Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
First Thoughts: Sounds like a battle song, this is forgettable. No idea what this is. IS THIS ABOUT JOHN MAYER. I love “I regret with you all the time”.
Current Thoughts: Omg, one of my favorite songs EVER. This song is SO GOOD. John Mayer better run and hide before Speak Now TV. Omg I cry for any and every girl who has ever experienced this. This is a perfect song.
Favorite Line: Give me back my girlhood it was mine first
Dear Reader
First Thoughts: Ugh yes Taylor give me advice. A good closing song. Sound like a 90s song. A good bridge. Spooky sounding.
Current Thoughts: I have a new appreciate for this song. I totally skipped it before before when you really take the time to listen, this song grows on you… much like the rest of the album.
Favorite Line: When you aim at the devil, make sure you don’t miss
Hits Different
First Thoughts: Ooooo I like it! Omg throwing up in the street? I love and hate how relatable this one is. Omg it is a top 3 song for me. I want to listen to this song over and over again.
Favorite Line: Catastrophic blues, moving on was always easy for me to do
Overall Thoughts:
This album had to grow on me a lot. While I like a majority of the songs now (after taking some time to dig deeper into their meanings and lyrics) I don’t think the main album really fits the “sleepless nights” message Taylor was promoting from the beginning. With the 3am songs, I could see the message more. But a lot of these songs are happy love songs, and if I was in love, I think I would be sleeping just fine. But I am so glad this album grew on me, just like reputation did. Can’t wait to sing all these songs live!
Let me know what you think of Midnights in the comments below!
Thanks for reading! xx