The other day I posted on Instagram that I spent the majority of my Saturday melting down the wax in some old candles for my wax warmer. I got a bunch of questions so I figured I would make a blog post explaining how I did it! I think this is a great way to get a little extra mileage on your candles and an efficient way to clean out your jars. I do want to add that I don’t think this trick works for every candle, but definitely most.

- Boil water on the stove. I fill up most of my tea kettle.
- Pour the boiling water into the used-up candle, and leave a little room at the top. As the water melts the wax, it will float to the top. CAUTION: HOT!
- It will take at least 2 hours for the wax to cool. You want it to be completely hard and solid. Once it does cool and harden, poke at it or scrape against the sides of the wax to loosen it up. You should then have a round, flat disc of wax. It is okay if you break it when you try to take it out.
- Place some of the wax in the top of the wax warmer (I got mine from Target) and it will melt within an hour. If you want, you can pour the melted wax into a fun mold like I did. Not necessary but it does make them cute!
- Store the hard wax molds in your emptied candle jar and feel free to switch up the wax whenever.

It’s that easy! Wax warmers are definitely not as potent as regular candles, but they do feel safer since there is no open flame. Plus- you will also have an empty jar that you can use for trinkets, toiletries or for gifts. The possibilities are endless. I go through my candle so quickly, so you can imagine how many empty candle jars I have lying around. Hope you found this helpful!
Thanks for reading! xx