Would you look at that?! Another 1,001 days have come and gone. And what did I accomplish? Not a lot on this list! But that is okay. I would love to spill some ink about how I’m feeling about the last 1,001 days.
If you look back on my previous list, I only knocked out 1/3 of the things I said I wanted to do. Now given, when I made that list, we were in the height of COVID and I had no idea what the next few years would look like. TBH… I still don’t know what the next few years will look like. But I will continue to make these lists because I am an Ennegram 3 and I love feeling productive. 33% is definitely a failing grade in school, but thankfully I’m not too crushed. It’s really not that serious.
If there is one thing I realized from looking at this latest list, it is that I am constantly changing my mind. As I get older, the more I wonder if I have undiagnosed ADHD. Even just looking at some of the things I wrote down, I just think “omg that is so 2020 of me!” And I guess this list is a reflection of what my priorities and goals were at the time, but it is truly amazing how fast that can change. I’m pretty sure that by the time 2022 rolled around, this list wasn’t even crossing my mind anymore.
There is so much I accomplished and did in those 1,001 days that I wasn’t even expecting when I made this list. I moved out from my parents’ house. I ran 4 half marathons. I read over 200 books. I gained a really clutch side hustle. I survived a whole pandemic (but did get COVID twice). I have made a bunch of new friends its insane (my favorite thing in the world). I have made spending time with my mom a priority. I’ve focused on domestic travel (Southwest’s biggest fan) and visited so many of my friends in far away places.
When I look back on the last 1,001 days, what sticks out to me the most are the amazing things my friends have done that I’ve gotten to take part in celebrating. The people I love so so much have graduated, gotten masters degrees, gotten engaged, gotten married, gotten divorced, had a baby, bought a house, moved across the country and so many other incredible things. Those are the things you can’t put on a list and cross off when they happen. But they are truly the icing on the cake of my life and I can’t wait for more of those moments.
One of my favorite quotes is “what a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven’t happened yet”. I think its attributed to Anne Frank (but I’m not certain). This whole “101 Things in 1,001 Days” list is just a way for me to push myself to do new things and step out of my comfort zone. I love crossing off things on a to-do list so that is also a huge part of it. But I won’t sit here and act like the last 1,001 days weren’t super fulfilling and meaningful just because I didn’t cross off everything on this list. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s not that serious. But it is fun! So it’s time to make a new list.
The only thing I actually feel more resolute to do is to make a new list that fits my current goals and desires right in this moment in time. What I wanted 3 years ago definitely does not align completely with what I want now. And probably by 2026, I will look back on this new list and think to myself “jeez what was I thinking?”. But that’s the fun of it! Currently working on my new list now. Wish me luck.
Thanks for reading! xx