Welcome to my blog! My name is Kim and I first came up with the name “kimbermoose” my sophomore year of high school when I needed a different Twitter handle other than “nofriendsMosemn”(no joke). At the time, I didn’t think I could turn that into an entire blog about my life.
I’m 5’9 (5’10 on a good day) so its really hard trying to find long enough pants that keep my ankles warm. I moved out from my parents house a couple years ago and I love love LOVE living by myself. My apartment looks like an antique store and a Taylor Swift merch truck had a baby. I’m lucky that I live so close to a bunch of my best friends, but I’m even luckier that my best friends in far away places let me go visit them. I love thrifting and antiquing because I am a firm believer that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. At all times, I am at least reading 3 books: one from the library, one on audio book (yes they count), and one from Kindle Unlimited. I’ve looked up and listened to Taylor Swift obsessively since I was 13 and that may not seem super noteworthy in this introduction, but trust me, it is. I just had double jaw surgery when I was 21 and I love talking about it because I think its so cool that I have a different face now. I like bad puns, playing dress-up and I’m trying to make sure this ‘about me’ page doesn’t sound like a bio on Tinder (how am I doing??)
I’m in my late 20’s now and I really don’t know what I’m doing the majority of the time, but this blog is a representation of me trying to figure it all out.
Welcome, hope you stay a while!