I wish I could be more creative in my introductions to these blog posts, but let’s be real. You’re not here for the introduction, you’re here for the stuff I post after this, so let’s just carry on, shall we? Here’s what I think you need to know!
Read More >>Biweekly Need To Know Vo. 4
So here we are again. So much has happened in the last few weeks, I’ll try to explain as much as I can without sounding too vague. I always like to make these posts different from the last from what I decide to share, so please enjoy everything I think you need to know from the last two weeks.
Read More >>Biweekly Need To Know Vo. 3
Aw Shit, here we go again
Hi there! Who’s ready for this week’s need to know? Last week I went to Charleston with my momma but I’ll talk more about that in another blog post. This post focuses on mainly this past week because it was my birthday week. I have been a little sick for most of this week too so I don’t have a lot of podcasts or articles to share but still wanted to share some fun things that have been going on with me lately!
Read More >>My Golden Birthday: Thoughts on Turning 24
When I tell you I’ve been waiting for this birthday for my entire life, I want you to know I mean it. Since I was born on September 24, the number ’24’ has always reminded me of me and made me smile whenever I saw it. So while 24 may seem like just another boring year that comes after 21 but before 30, I have been waiting for this year my whole life. And this is honestly sending me into an existential crisis 🙂
Read More >>Biweekly Need To Know Vo. 2
So I’m making this a biweekly series now because I forgot to make one last week. But maybe it’s better that I wait every two weeks anyway because trust me, my life is not that interesting. I was a little sick this week so I’ve taken some time to just relax after work and give some much needed sleep and it’s been great. Work is going well and I have started planning out some adventures for fall (and some new blogs) so I’m feeling productive and excited for the things to come. Here is everything I think you need to know from the past two weeks:
Read More >>Goals For My Not-School Year
I am so used to always making goals for myself every December for the new year and every September for the school year. I like new beginnings and excuses to make lists and focus on bettering myself. But since I’m not in school this year and I’ve just been working for the entire summer, nothing is changing. I’m not going back to school, taking classes, living anywhere else. I’m just doing the same stuff I’ve been doing. So it seems redundant to make ‘resolutions’ when there are only 4 months left in the year. But then I was thinking about that quote for F. Scott Fitzgerald that goes:
“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over again.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
And that may seem a little deep for this blog post but it’s always been one of my favorite quotes. You can literally turn your life around at any minute and I think that you can make little changes every day that can have a big impact. I’m not the best at resolutions but I’m hoping that just by speaking all of these into existence that I will be more accountable. And by thinking about the length of a school year rather than just the next few months makes me feel like I can actually see more positive changes and more time to work on these things. So here are my goals for my not-school year:
Read More >>Weekly Need-To-Know: Vo.1
I’m starting a new series here on the blog! Every week I’m finding new things that I love and want to share with everybody…but I usually just post it on my Instastory and I feel like it doesn’t really stick. Plus I am just a really big fan of lists. So in an effort to share more of what I’m reading, listening to, buying, doing, etc… I am starting this series of ‘Weekly Need-To-Know’. Will I be able to keep it up every week? Who knows? Stick around to find out. But anyway, here’s all the stuff I’ve been doing this week that I think you need to know:
Read More >>25 Compliments To Give People That Aren’t About Appearances
The other day I hanging out with my coworkers in our office kitchen and someone must have said something funny because I started laughing a lot. Like a lot a lot. Then my supervisor said to me “Kim, you have such a great laugh. I love the sound of your laugh”. And I thought Wow that is such a lovely compliment to receive. I can be pretty self-conscious about my laugh (because my gums tend to show which I don’t think is the cutest) but it meant a lot to me that someone would they they enjoy the sound of my laugh and are happy to see me so happy about something that I had to laugh about it. So it got me thinking about compliments and how rare it is that I actually give compliments to people that aren’t about their looks. Especially on Instagram where I don’t know the people I follow personally and am just liking/commenting on a random picture of them in an outfit or on vacation, it can be a bit of challenge to think of a good compliment that is authentic and genuine. (I only like backhanded compliments in a joking and rhetorical way lol). ie: that is so bold of you to say or I wish I was as brave as you are to where that in public. HAHA
And that’s not to say I don’t like it when someone gives me a compliment on my looks; I’ve just come to appreciate the compliments on my efforts, personality and character to have way more meaning and leave a longer lasting impact on me.
I realized as I was making this post that I’ve been telling so many people lately that “I appreciate them and what they do for me”. That’s one of my favorite compliments to give because I fell like it goes a little deeper than just a ‘thank you’. Compliments can be so unique and meaningful without even too much effort and they can absolutely make someone’s day. Here is a list of 25 compliments you can give to the people in your life that don’t have to do with appearances.
Read More >>Tips for Moving Back Home After College
In the spirit of all of my other anniversaries that happen this time of year, I feel it is also important to mark and celebrate one full year of moving back home. That’s right, in case you didn’t know: I moved back in with my parents right after college. There was no doubt I would move back home when I accepted my first full time job (right before my last semester of college began). My job is like 8 minutes away from my parents’ house so it would have been foolish for me to try to find my own place when my parents were totally willing to let me move back home. My brothers are now college graduates too but both decided to not move back home (they also have jobs farther away). So now it’s like I’m an only child. I know not everyone can or want to move back home, but it was the best choice for me. And if you’re like me, you may be in the same position. If you’re worried about moving back home, don’t freak out yet! Here is some advice from me after living back at home for a full year (so far).
Read More >>1 Year at My First Full-Time Job: What I’ve Learned So Far
Happy 1 year anniversary of me officially starting my first ever full-time job! Can you believe it has been 1 full year since I graduated college and actually became a working, productive member of society? I have no idea where the time has gone! In the past year I’ve gone to San Francisco for a work trip, Jamaica for a work retreat, and Cleveland and Boston for two conferences! Thats a lot of traveling for one year of working. In between all of that I have been learning so much about working in an office, what it means to be in the marketing and video industries and life in general! I like to keep details of my job pretty vague on the blog but this is a pretty big milestone for me! So I want to share some of the wisdom I’ve gained over the past year.