This time of year is always full of so many anniversaries for me! It’s been a year since I graduated, a year since my cruise (and almost getting taken), a year since I started my first full time job, 2 years since my surgery and now 2 years since I started this blog! (That was a lot of anniversaries…but you get the point…life comes at you fast.) I always like to celebrate my jaw surgery but I realized the other day that I haven’t actually made a post about when I started my blog! My blog and my jaw surgery really go hand in hand because I made “Kimbermoose” when I was in recovery. I was so bored at the time! And I had wanted to start a blog for years, but never had that amount of free time before. So as a fun little way to celebrate 2 years of my blog, here’s the scoop on how I started and the truth behind a lot of my pictures from my first blog posts. Let’s just say for now, pictures can be very misleading to an actual situation.