A weird fact about me: I only read when I’m on planes or when I’m sitting in front of water. I have probably discussed this before in my other book reviews, but it has proven to be even more true with this book. It has taken me over a year of trying to read this book but I finally did and of course IT WAS WORTH IT! Paula McLain is my absolute favorite author and she has proven herself again with this one. I really thought I was going to make it through this book without crying but of course the water works started in the last 8 pages. Just because it took me a super long time to finish this book doesn’t mean it was good! Here’s my book review:
Book Review: Small Great Things

I cannot stop thinking about this book. Seriously. It has totally engulfed my mind since picking it up. I read it for my book club at work. I haven’t read a Jodi Picoult book in years and WOW this is why. They absolutely wreck me and leave me thinking about them for years after I finish them. I read this whole book in maybe a week (which is a big deal for me). It’s been a really long time since a book has left me feeling like this. I found this book to be really thought provoking and especially important in this day and age. Here’s my review!
Read More >>Book Review: See Me
Phew…It took a while to get through this one. But that’s not a bad thing! I just finished the first Nicholas Sparks novel I’ve read in years. I started reading it over the summer on the beach and was finally able to finish it last weekend on a plane home from Chicago. Click the ‘read more’ button to read my full review.
Book Review: Circling the Sun
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I am the slowest reader I know. But despite that, I wanted to start this book review series on my blog. I am madly in love with book stores and new books, especially the smell of a newly printed book and that feeling when you finish a really good book. Only problem is…I don’t make reading a priority. The only time I usually set aside time to read anything is when I’m on the beach or on a plane. Now that I’m working 40 hours a week, I tend to put reading at the bottom of my to-do list, unless a book immediately hooks me from the beginning. This was the case with the book I’m reviewing today, Circling the Sun by Paula McLain. Read More >>
The Last Five Years: My “One Line A Day” Book
Happy 2018 everyone! I told myself I wasn’t going to post anything involving the new year, because I have been so busy with New Years Eve and catching up with friends and I’m about to leave for Scotland. But I just realized something that I think is so cool: I just completed my five year “One Line A Day” book.