The urge to cut my hair into a bob is overwhelming.
On the eve of 1989 (Taylor’s Version) being dropped, I thought it was appropriate to share a project I have been working on since 2020. During quarantine, I made it a game of trying to find items of clothing Taylor Swift has worn (in my size) on secondhand online stores (namely Poshmark, thredUP and Mercari). Finding an exact item online scratches an itch in my brain. I’m like a pirate hunting for treasure. I’ve done this series for almost all of her other eras (click here to check out Fearless, Speak Now, RED, reputation and Lover) so of course I had to do an entire post dedicated to 1989. I’ve always admired Taylor’s ability to shift into different eras with her clothes and hairstyle. I think her 1989 street style is the most recognizable of her eras and had the most intention and planning behind it (who leaves the gym in 6 inch heels?!) So allow me to transport you back to 2014 & 2015 as we dive into what made her 1989 era so unique and where I found these outfit pieces, incase you feel like recreate some of these looks too.